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Disable the domain's auto replacement when using an email as login

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Guest Thomas LETELLIER

Hi there,


I'm sorry if this title isn't that explicit, so I'll try to introduce my problem with further details:


I'm using a domain controller (Linux).

However, usernames are email addresses and here's the biggest problem with recent versions of WIN10.

For example: - login : user@domain.com


When I'm typing in an At sign (@), it'll change the actual domain name, to try to connect to an Azure AD.

It means that, with that kind of user ID "user@domain.com", It'll detect my user as : "user" and my domain "domain.com".


We don't want our users to manually put our domain name..

If we want to counter that, we can just type DOMAIN\user@domain.com) and it'll obviously work.


As we work on Linux distributions, we want to fix that issue as soon as possible to develop our solutions.


Summary: We want our user to put his mail address as his login ID without being automatically redirected on another Domain name, and without having to manually type our domain name.


I leave it to you, and thank you for your help





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