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Guest Zak Lyles

We recently had the need to replicate data from multiple windows servers to a FAT based Linux share. I just wanted to share the script with everybody in case anybody else runs into similar issues.


The script assumes NTFS security is not needed on these files.


One issue I ran into when copying files to the FAT share was that MANY files were giving an "error 5: Access is denied" message and failing to copy.


By setting the copy method to "/COPY:DT", attribute copying is removed from the process and all files(aside from files with read-locks) copy successfully.


Additionally, the /FFT(assume FAT file times) option is important when copying from NTFS to FAT.


At the end of the day I had this simple batch file(modified from http://ss64.com/nt/robocopy.html) which I run on the servers I want data backed up from:








SET _source1="Source(local or UNC)"


SET _dest1="\\server\share_name\destination_folder"




SET _options=/R:0 /W:0 /FFT /XF thumbs.db /LOG+:"\\log_destination\name.txt" /NFL /NDL


ROBOCOPY %_source1% %_dest1% %_what% %_options%




This script will perform the following:


1. Mirror source to destination


2. Ignore attributes and security


3. Use FAT file times


4. Will not retry files it is unable to access


5. Will not copy any files with the name thumbs.db.


6. Will create a log file which only logs failures and files deleted from destination due to /PURGE(from the /MIR option).


Hopefully this will come in handy for a few folks out there.





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