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Guest pob579



spent couple of hours for trying to solve the problem in Windows 10 1903:


on a laptop (old i5 with 8GB of RAM) Windows not comming back from Sleep.


On mouse and keyboard Allow wake is enabled. It powers up. The fun turns.


But the screen is black.


There are tons of posts on web.


After trying the one below that helped to somebody, I give up... and asking help on MS forum.


First I thought that may be it is old laptop. But then I see people with new machines have the same problem.


So it looks like it's hardware issue.


I have even older core2 duo machine with W10 and I remember fixed it somehow 2 years ago.




Here what I found that helped other but not me:


The solution appears to be disabling Fast boot and Hybrid Sleep mode. (NOTE: I have not re-enabled one or the other to see if one solves it instead of both.)


Here are the instructions I received from SkyTech:


To disable Fast Startup:


Open up Power Options in the Control Panel. In Windows 10 you can get there from right clicking on the start menu and going to Power Options Once there, on the left hand side, click "Choose what the power buttons do" Click "change settings that are currently unavailable" up at the top Down below under the "Shutdown Settings" section you will see "Fast Startup" check-boxed. Uncheck the box Click OK


To disable Hybrid Sleep:


Open up Power Options in the Control Panel. In Windows 10 you can get there from right clicking on the start menu and going to Power Options Click "change plan settings" next to your current power plan Click "change advanced power settings" Click the + sign next to "Sleep" Click the + sign next to "Allow hybrid sleep" and change setting to "off" Click OK





--- When you hit a wrong note its the next note that makes it good or bad. --- Miles Davis



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