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Hello everybody,



in the last months, with the last Windows 10 updates I've seen how my laptop has become more and more slow.


I have Kaspersky Internet Security installed in it with a high level detection configuration (deep scan and real protection).


In the last week, I have realized that two processes appeared in the Task Manager, almost continously, with a high load level:



Captura de pantalla (5).png


I can understand the high load of the Antivirus. But some years ago (I think it was when passing from W8 to W10 OS) I disabled Windows Defender already.


I have it disabled in Windows Security:




I have also "Enabled" the “Disable Windows Defender” througt the Local Policies and I created also the registry entry /key DisableAntiSpyware with value 1,... both methods explained at this post.



Cómo desactivar Windows Defender por completo


And this had worked in the past. But now, despite this and like you can see in the screenshot of the first link, I have the process "Executable Antimalware Software (Windows Defender Antivirus Service) running permanently.



And the worst is that, when trying to deactivate it, the process appears in grey and I can't stop it nor disable it:




My question is: currently, with the major updates of Windows 10 in the last times and the new features (telemetry, forced updates, etc), is it still possible to disable Windows Defendert totally and permanently ? Because if it's still possible I don´t understand why I can´t.



Or maybe I'm missing something?



I would be very pleased if someone could bring me some light to this issue because I don´t understand what's happening.



Thanks in advance.



Regards from the sunny Spain (European Union)



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