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Windows 10 Enterprise, desktop shortcuts with keyboard shortcuts, the keyboard shortcuts don't survive a logoff

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Guest johnqflorida

My custom shortcut keys / hotkeys for desktop shortcuts (for example, to say that keystroke combination control-shift-alt-N opens Notepad) work fine until I logoff. Next time, they don't work (even though the shortcut properties continue to indicate that shortcut keys are saved.)




Background: Desktop shortcuts can have a custom hotkey assigned as follows: Right click the shortcut, choose properties, click into the 'Shortcut key' box, pick a keyboard combination, then hit Apply, then OK). (By the way, If you don't use these, give it a try, you'll love it.) (More background, I have all these shortcuts on my desktop (which along with the start menu, are the two places where you have to save them, if you want the custom shortcut key to work.) And finally, this is a corporate environment where Windows is pretty carefully locked down, although I do have admin access.)







It seems to be after logging off or restarting. When I return, the shortcut works fine when clicking on it, but hitting the saved shortcut-key for the shortcut will not activate it. The shortcut keys still show up when I look at the shortcut's properties though, but they no longer function.)




More background: With the pre-existing ones not working, I can create a NEW shortcut to something else, assign a new (different keystroke combination) custom shortcut key, apply and store it, and THAT new custom shortcut key will work, until the next logoff/restart.



I can also successfully/permanent save a keyboard shortcut to a PROGRAM over in my PROGRAM data hierarchy (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs), and that saves/works permanently. (It's difficult though, because there are some URLs and scripts I want to bookmark, and PROGRAMDATA isn't good for those).




What I've tried:



I found suggestions about Region settings and Language settings (I've only got one region and language selected, so that tip didn't apply), the registry ("nowinkeys", but that did not apply, it had NOT been previously disabled), and group policy edit ("turn off windows hotkeys"), but again, it had not been disabled previously. I've tried re-saving the shortcuts, that doesn't work if I just do a single resave. (If I remove the shortcut keys, save, then reopen and edit the properties again, and add the shortcut keys back, then apply and save, THEN it works again until the next logon). And I have them specifically on the desktop, which is where they're supposed to be. I've also tried putting the shortuts in my roaming profile (still doesn't survive a logoff), and also restarting EXPLORER to see if that woke up my shortcut keys, but it didn't.




So, what's going on? Any ideas?



P.S. - A few odd things happen during logon, since this is a corporate environment, I'm going to assume that's part of the issue. In the end though, at least visibly when looking at the properties, the shortcut key definitions remain within the shortcuts.



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