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Guest GlenProuty

On a W7 PC this is a false positive produced when you run Windows Defender


Offline. Using a (USB).


Do not waste time in trying to resolve this "Severe"Virus.



Recent W7 WDO definitions, mistakenly recognize HKLM\Software\Policies\


Microsoft\Windows Defender\DisableAntiSpyware with Dword = 1 as this Virus.



Windows Defender in Windows 7 is not an antivirus program. And is turned


"OFF" in most W7 PCs. The "DisableAntiSpyware" = 1 is what turned it off.



Once again W10 policies conflict with the W7 OS. We can't expect any


resolution for this anomaly, at this late stage. Just be aware that if you


run across this situation, it is nothing to be concerned about.



By the way, another W10 policy has apparently made it impossible to


create a complete WDO USB, which includes the WDO program. Definitions


can still be added, but if you create the WDO program, at the same time,


while using the Mssstool, you will encounter "Definitions Out Of Date" when


you try to run the program. Of course, most PCs have no internet connectivity


when booted to the USB. Therefore, you cannot satisfy the request to update.



If you have WDO on a USB that works, hang on to it. And do not "format"


before using the Mssstool to update definitions. This is another problem


that we should not expect Microsoft to resolve. W7 is over the hill!!



Regards, Glen



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