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Teamviewer: Can anyone review and see if im am being hacked thnak you

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Start: 2019/10/28 20:21:53.502 (UTC-4:00)

Version: 14.7.1965

ID: 1425915411

Loglevel: Info (100)

License: 10000

Server: master4.teamviewer.com

IC: -289086653

CPU: Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel

CPU extensions: h9

OS: Win_10.0.17763_W (64-bit)


MID: vf8a2d6f3e26b20190304203501000000f8a2d6f3e26b126d2e600f122e281c47314e56430e8c<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006

MIDv: 2

Proxy-Settings: Type=1 IP= User=

IE: 11.805.17763.0

AppPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe

UserAccount: SYSTEM

2019/10/30 02:17:55.598 2912 5800 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 18

2019/10/30 02:17:55.600 2912 5800 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 18

2019/10/30 02:17:55.600 2912 5800 S0 NetWatchdog: OnStandby woke up

2019/10/30 02:17:55.606 2912 4896 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::StartConnect(): Protocol 8 proxy -- IP router2.teamviewer.com

2019/10/30 02:17:55.606 2912 4896 S0 Activating Router carrier

2019/10/30 02:17:55.616 2912 4896 S0!!!CTcpConnectionBase[976]::HandleResolve(): Resolve failed, router16.teamviewer.com:5938, Error: system:11001

2019/10/30 02:17:55.616 2912 14672 S0! CProcessCommandHandlerKeepAlive[967]::HandleKeepAliveConnect(): Connect to KeepAliveServer failed

2019/10/30 02:17:55.616 2912 14672 S0!!!KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectFailureHandler(): KeepAliveConnect to router16.teamviewer.com failed

2019/10/30 02:17:55.618 2912 4896 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::StartConnect(): Protocol 4 proxy -- IP router16.teamviewer.com

2019/10/30 02:17:55.618 2912 4896 S0 Activating Router carrier

2019/10/30 02:17:55.899 15616 2860 G1 MainWindowFull2::OnPowerBroadcast(): PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC event

2019/10/30 02:17:55.977 2912 14672 S0 NetWatchdog: OnStandby woke up

2019/10/30 02:17:55.977 2912 14672 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, state = 1 usedProtocol = 4

2019/10/30 02:17:56.361 2912 5800 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 32787

2019/10/30 02:17:56.361 2912 5800 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 32787

2019/10/30 02:17:56.409 2912 14672 S0 NetWatchdog: OnStandby woke up

2019/10/30 02:17:56.409 2912 14672 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, state = 1 usedProtocol = 4

2019/10/30 02:17:56.652 2912 5800 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 7

2019/10/30 02:17:56.652 2912 5800 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 7

2019/10/30 02:17:56.652 2912 5800 S0 NetWatchdog: OnStandby woke up

2019/10/30 02:17:56.654 2912 14672 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, state = 1 usedProtocol = 4

2019/10/30 02:17:57.290 2912 13956 S0 NetWatchdog: Completely disconnected. Going offline.

2019/10/30 02:17:57.290 2912 13956 S0 NetWatchdog: Internet is now disconnected

2019/10/30 02:17:57.290 2912 4896 S0 IConnection[977]::HandleWrite(): Send failed with Error: 10009 The file handle supplied is not valid, bytes_transferred=0

2019/10/30 02:17:57.290 2912 13956 S0 NetWatchdog: LAN is now disconnected

2019/10/30 02:17:57.290 2912 4896 S0! CTcpConnectionBase[977]::ClearSendQueueWithError(): SendQueue is not empty. Throwing away 1 commands

2019/10/30 02:17:57.290 2912 4896 S0 TcpCarrierBase[968]::HandleWrite(): Error 10009 (The file handle supplied is not valid), count 1

2019/10/30 02:17:57.290 2912 14672 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds

2019/10/30 02:17:57.290 2912 14672 S0! KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectEndedHandler(): KeepAliveConnection[968] with router11.teamviewer.com ended

2019/10/30 02:17:57.290 15616 11316 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=1425915411 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=0 showDynPwd=0

2019/10/30 02:17:57.290 15616 11316 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=1425915411 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=0 showDynPwd=0

2019/10/30 02:17:58.325 2912 17080 S0 BonjourDiscoveryWin::DNSServiceHandleEvents: Reloading interfaces.

2019/10/30 02:17:58.325 2912 13956 S0 NetWatchdog: LAN is now connected

2019/10/30 02:17:58.325 2912 13956 S0 NetWatchdog: Internet is now connected

2019/10/30 02:17:58.325 2912 11004 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::StartConnect(): Protocol 2 proxy -- IP router11.teamviewer.com

2019/10/30 02:17:58.325 2912 11004 S0 Activating Router carrier

2019/10/30 02:17:58.325 15616 14368 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=1425915411 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0

2019/10/30 02:17:58.325 15616 14368 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=1425915411 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0

2019/10/30 02:17:58.343 15616 2860 G1 MainWindowFull2::OnPowerBroadcast(): PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND event

2019/10/30 02:17:58.710 2912 11004 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::HandleStartKeepAlive: doing nothing, state = 1 usedProtocol = 2

2019/10/30 02:17:59.347 2912 14992 S0 CProcessCommandHandlerKeepAlive[968]::HandleKeepAliveAnonymousConnect(): RemoteSession is already ending

2019/10/30 02:17:59.863 2912 14992 S0 CHttpConnectionOutgoing::ConnectHttpFastInternal(): Connect HttpFast to CA-TOR-IBM-R001.teamviewer.com:80 was successful

2019/10/30 02:17:59.863 2912 14672 S0 KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectSuccessHandler(): KeepAliveConnect to router11.teamviewer.com successful

2019/10/30 02:17:59.863 2912 14672 S0 KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::KeepAliveChannelInitialized(): KeepAliveConnection to router11.teamviewer.com initialized

2019/10/30 02:17:59.863 2912 14672 S0!! KeepAliveSession::KeepAliveChannelInitialized(): KeepAlive-Connection initialized with ID 0 (IP:, SendQueue 0 (0 Bytes), SendIndex 0, AckIndex 0, RemoteSessionID 969

2019/10/30 02:17:59.863 2912 14672 S0! KeepAliveSession::SendCompleteQueue(): SendQueue: 0 (0 Bytes), RemoteSession 969 (ClientID 0), Time: 0 ms

2019/10/30 02:17:59.863 2912 14672 S0 IdentifyRequest: ID = 1425915411, IC = -289086653, IsTemporaryID = 0, InitiativeGUID = dd76e60c-f8cb-422b-ab64-11d5f1ed496f, CanStoreGUID = 1, MIDHistory = {0xf8a2d6f3e26c_1d44cc67230d0d5_249560360|uf8a2d6f3e26b20190304203501000000f8a2d6f3e26b126d2e600f122e281c47314e56430e8c|vf8a2d6f3e26b20190304203501000000f8a2d6f3e26b126d2e600f122e281c47314e56430e8c<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006|windows03f8a2d6f3e26b20190304203501000000f8a2d6f3e26b126d2e600f122e281c47314e56430e8c<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006}, MIDv = 2, MaxSupportedMIDv = 3, RebootHash = {02854b45-7c13-d2e6-998c-f541eea84841}, MIDFlags = 1, MIDForceUpdateFlags = 0, AttractionGUID = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, TerminalServerIDsInToken = 0

2019/10/30 02:17:59.983 2912 14992 S0 TVRouterClock: received router time: 20191030T061758.958553

2019/10/30 02:17:59.983 2912 14992 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 43200 seconds

2019/10/30 02:17:59.983 15616 17272 G1 IpcRouterClock: received router time: 20191030T061758.958553

2019/10/30 02:18:00.835 2912 11004 S0 Login::Identify::ManageLogin(): ID: 1425915411 IC -289086653 MIDv2

2019/10/30 02:18:00.845 2912 11004 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::OnKeepAliveSucceeded(): Protocol 2 proxy --

2019/10/30 02:18:01.490 2912 14992 S0 Non-Commercial use

2019/10/30 02:18:02.044 2912 14992 S0 SyncManagersFunction::Start: current managerlist size: 0

2019/10/30 02:18:02.044 2912 14992 S0 TVNetwork::StartEasyRollout: TV online, start assignment trigger listener

2019/10/30 02:18:02.044 2912 14992 S0 Client logged in and online

2019/10/30 02:18:02.044 15616 17272 G1 IncomingCommandRegistration::TeamViewerOnlineStateChanged: TeamViewer-Onlinestate changed to online

2019/10/30 02:18:02.044 15616 17272 G1 InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle created (RegistrationID: 94f3ae4c-07d4-4092-8756-649f748991cc)

2019/10/30 02:18:02.044 15616 17272 G1 IncomingCommandRegistration::Register: Registered successfully for incoming commands (after 0 retries)

2019/10/30 02:18:02.044 15616 17272 G1 InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle created (RegistrationID: bc898023-caf2-43bd-8639-15637d0371e9)

2019/10/30 02:18:02.044 15616 17272 G1 InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle destroyed (RegistrationID: 50f82c52-39f9-460a-b664-8138aa9c4abc)

2019/10/30 02:18:02.044 15616 17272 G1 DynamicPasswordUIModel::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=1425915411 ka=1 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=1

2019/10/30 02:18:02.044 2912 14992 S0 SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::RegisterSharedBCmdCallback(): CC: 25, RegistrationID: 94f3ae4c-07d4-4092-8756-649f748991cc, DyngateID: 1425915411, ProcessType: 2, SessionID: 1

2019/10/30 02:18:02.044 15616 16392 G1 Account::UpdateState: KA = 1, active = 1

2019/10/30 02:18:02.059 2912 11004 S0 SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::RegisterSharedBCmdCallback(): CC: 61, RegistrationID: bc898023-caf2-43bd-8639-15637d0371e9, DyngateID: 1425915411, ProcessType: 2, SessionID: 1

2019/10/30 02:18:02.059 2912 14992 S0 SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::UnregisterSharedBCmdCallback(): RegistrationID: 50f82c52-39f9-460a-b664-8138aa9c4abc

2019/10/30 02:18:02.128 15616 2860 G1 Account::SetLoginState: new state: 2

2019/10/30 02:18:02.128 15616 2860 G1 ManagerHolderStateMachine: Switching from NotReady to ReadyForLogin

2019/10/30 02:18:02.307 2912 4896 S0 AsyncMessaging::UnregisterAtAsyncMessageProvider(): Unregister successful

2019/10/30 02:18:02.313 2912 14672 S0 RequestIPAddress::RequestResult: Client country code: US

2019/10/30 02:18:18.707 15616 2860 G1 CMainWindow::OnSessionChange [OnlineState] 8

2019/10/30 02:18:18.801 2912 5800 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_SESSIONCHANGE session=1, statusCode=WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK, console=1

2019/10/30 02:41:51.544 15616 2860 G1 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=314875)

2019/10/30 02:41:53.074 15616 16392 G1 UpdateBase::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=0, LastAutoUpdate=1569371737, AdminRights=1

2019/10/30 02:55:51.547 15616 2860 G1 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=309813)

2019/10/30 02:55:53.242 15616 11316 G1 UpdateBase::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=0, LastAutoUpdate=1569371737, AdminRights=1

2019/10/30 03:00:49.904 2912 5800 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 10

2019/10/30 03:00:49.905 2912 5800 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 10

2019/10/30 03:03:51.546 15616 2860 G1 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=317813)

2019/10/30 03:03:53.367 15616 17272 G1 UpdateBase::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=0, LastAutoUpdate=1569371737, AdminRights=1

2019/10/30 03:27:51.658 15616 2860 G1 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=320218)

2019/10/30 03:27:53.658 15616 17272 G1 UpdateBase::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=0, LastAutoUpdate=1569371737, AdminRights=1

2019/10/30 03:40:51.684 15616 2860 G1 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=300918)

2019/10/30 03:40:53.804 15616 16392 G1 UpdateBase::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=0, LastAutoUpdate=1569371737, AdminRights=1

2019/10/30 03:58:51.704 15616 2860 G1 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=313812)

2019/10/30 03:58:54.024 15616 14368 G1 UpdateBase::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=0, LastAutoUpdate=1569371737, AdminRights=1

2019/10/30 04:05:51.719 15616 2860 G1 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=309516)

2019/10/30 04:05:54.106 15616 16392 G1 UpdateBase::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=0, LastAutoUpdate=1569371737, AdminRights=1

2019/10/30 04:13:51.752 15616 2860 G1 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=340652)

2019/10/30 04:13:54.202 15616 17272 G1 UpdateBase::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=0, LastAutoUpdate=1569371737, AdminRights=1

2019/10/30 04:17:52.802 15616 16392 G1 TAF::Handler::RequestServerURL: Request new server URL from master.

2019/10/30 04:17:52.803 2912 11004 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38

2019/10/30 04:17:52.872 15616 14368 G1 TAF::Handler::ServerUrlUpdate: Received new server URL: https://client.teamviewer.com/taf/index.aspx

2019/10/30 04:17:52.872 15616 19696 G1 TAF::Hander::RequestListInternal: Request new list for license type=10000

2019/10/30 04:17:53.081 15616 16392 G1 TAF::Handler::ParseJson: Succeeded. Entries=3, Triggers=1, ValidHours=2, TimeOut=8000

2019/10/30 04:28:51.786 15616 2860 G1 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=307730)

2019/10/30 04:28:54.375 15616 11316 G1 UpdateBase::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=0, LastAutoUpdate=1569371737, AdminRights=1

2019/10/30 04:34:51.795 15616 2860 G1 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=304590)

2019/10/30 04:34:54.455 15616 14368 G1 UpdateBase::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=0, LastAutoUpdate=1569371737, AdminRights=1

2019/10/30 04:43:16.218 2912 5800 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 10

2019/10/30 04:43:16.218 2912 5800 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 10

2019/10/30 04:48:22.496 2912 5800 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 10

2019/10/30 04:48:22.496 2912 5800 S0 SERVICE_CONTROL_POWEREVENT 10

2019/10/30 05:00:51.827 15616 2860 G1 CMainWindow::TrackIdleTime(): System goes idle. (IdleTime=356594)

2019/10/30 05:00:54.756 15616 14368 G1 UpdateBase::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=0, LastAutoUpdate=1569371737, AdminRights=1

id=1425915411 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0

2019/10/30 21:42:17.987 2912 14672 S0 KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectSuccessHandler(): KeepAliveConnect to router6.teamviewer.com successful

2019/10/30 21:42:17.987 2912 14672 S0 KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::KeepAliveChannelInitialized(): KeepAliveConnection to router6.teamviewer.com initialized

2019/10/30 21:42:17.987 2912 14672 S0!! KeepAliveSession::KeepAliveChannelInitialized(): KeepAlive-Connection initialized with ID 0 (IP: 2607:f0d0:1c01:a5::7), SendQueue 0 (0 Bytes), SendIndex 0, AckIndex 0, RemoteSessionID 1014

2019/10/30 21:42:17.987 2912 14672 S0! KeepAliveSession::SendCompleteQueue(): SendQueue: 0 (0 Bytes), RemoteSession 1014 (ClientID 0), Time: 0 ms

2019/10/30 21:42:17.988 2912 14672 S0 IdentifyRequest: ID = 1425915411, IC = -289086653, IsTemporaryID = 0, InitiativeGUID = dd76e60c-f8cb-422b-ab64-11d5f1ed496f, CanStoreGUID = 1, MIDHistory = {0xf8a2d6f3e26c_1d44cc67230d0d5_249560360|uf8a2d6f3e26b20190304203501000000f8a2d6f3e26b126d2e600f122e281c47314e56430e8c|vf8a2d6f3e26b20190304203501000000f8a2d6f3e26b126d2e600f122e281c47314e56430e8c<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006|windows03f8a2d6f3e26b20190304203501000000f8a2d6f3e26b126d2e600f122e281c47314e56430e8c<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006}, MIDv = 2, MaxSupportedMIDv = 3, RebootHash = {02854b45-7c13-d2e6-998c-f541eea84841}, MIDFlags = 1, MIDForceUpdateFlags = 0, AttractionGUID = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, TerminalServerIDsInToken = 0

2019/10/30 21:42:18.154 2912 14672 S0 TVRouterClock: received router time: 20191031T014217.495983

2019/10/30 21:42:18.154 2912 14672 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 43200 seconds

2019/10/30 21:42:18.159 15616 16392 G1 IpcRouterClock: received router time: 20191031T014217.495983

2019/10/30 21:42:19.206 2912 14672 S0 Login::Identify::ManageLogin(): ID: 1425915411 IC -289086653 MIDv2

2019/10/30 21:42:19.214 2912 14672 S0 CKeepAliveClientClient::OnKeepAliveSucceeded(): Protocol 8 proxy --

2019/10/30 21:42:20.129 2912 4896 S0 Non-Commercial use

2019/10/30 21:42:20.940 2912 14672 S0 SyncManagersFunction::Start: current managerlist size: 0

2019/10/30 21:42:20.940 2912 14672 S0 TVNetwork::StartEasyRollout: TV online, start assignment trigger listener

2019/10/30 21:42:20.940 2912 14672 S0 Client logged in and online

2019/10/30 21:42:20.951 15616 16392 G1 IncomingCommandRegistration::TeamViewerOnlineStateChanged: TeamViewer-Onlinestate changed to online

2019/10/30 21:42:20.951 15616 16392 G1 InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle created (RegistrationID: 12fe8a44-7bfd-4c62-a55e-cbbab8340284)

2019/10/30 21:42:20.951 15616 16392 G1 IncomingCommandRegistration::Register: Registered successfully for incoming commands (after 0 retries)

2019/10/30 21:42:20.951 2912 14672 S0 SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::RegisterSharedBCmdCallback(): CC: 25, RegistrationID: 12fe8a44-7bfd-4c62-a55e-cbbab8340284, DyngateID: 1425915411, ProcessType: 2, SessionID: 1

2019/10/30 21:42:20.951 15616 14368 G1 Account:



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