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I have a simple cmd file that creates folders in a specific shared drive based on prompts entered. One of the folders created contains a number that is incremented each time it is run.


It runs fine in win explorer , but when saved as a shortcut to the desktop to allow it to run from the task bar, it no longer will pick up the number. Below is the file:


'create new folders


SET initDir=G:\New_Folder

SET newDir=

SET /P newjob=Type Job name: %=%

SET /P newDesc=Type Description name: %=%

SET /P newLocat=Type Location: %=%


cd "G:\Estimating Templates\"

for /f %%x in (Count.txt) do (set /a var=%%x+1)

>Count.txt echo %var%



IF DEFINED newDir (md O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%"

SET initDir=%initDir%\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%" )



md O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%"\Bidders

md O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%\~%var% "


md O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%"\Close_Outs

md O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%"\Drawings

md O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%"\Drawings\"Original Drawings"

md O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%"\Flooring

md O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%"\"Forms and Exhibits"

md O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%"\Specs


md O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%"\Submittals

md O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%"\Submittals\Painting

md O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%"\Submittals\Flooring

md O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%"\Submittals\Ceramic

md O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%"\Submittals\Resinous_Terrazzo




%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe O:\"%newjob% - %newDesc% - %newLocat%"



Thank you!





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