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Azure AD Joined devices comms to on-prem services

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Guest jamesturpin888



Azure AD tenant with various domains added - companya.com, companyb.com.


On-prem domain for companya.com


Azure AD joined Win10 devices.


user signs in as usera@companya.com and can access resources on-prem such as fileserver.companya.com seamlessly.




On-prem domain for companyb.com resides elsewhere.


We can configure Azure AD connect to pull users from companyb.com (using a s2s vpn to target that DC).


When userb@companyb.com signs into Win10 Azure AD joined device, on their local network and have line of sight to dc.companyb.com and fileserver.companyb.com would they be able to access their on-prem resources seamlessly also?


trying to understand the relationship between user signing in to azure ad device and their on-prem resources on their logically separate on-prem domain.


Hope thats clear?


So common azure ad tenant, win10 azure ad joined devices but logically separate on-prem domains and on-prem resources.



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