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Returning Device Cals back to the server

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Guest ShaunEDM

Here is the senario,


I was setting up a client with a Windows 2003 Terminal Server and installed

the Device Cals for them. While connected to the network my laptop was given

a Device Cal from their server.


I know how to remove the TS licensing information from my machine but how do

I know that the license my machine held will be returned to the server so the

actual client can use it?



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Re: Returning Device Cals back to the server


There is nothing you need to do.


The device cal will automatically be available for use when

it expires. If there is a client that needs it and there are no

other device cals available, the device will be issued a temporary

license that will be valid long enough for the above to expire

and recycle.




ShaunEDM wrote:

> Here is the senario,


> I was setting up a client with a Windows 2003 Terminal Server and

> installed the Device Cals for them. While connected to the network

> my laptop was given a Device Cal from their server.


> I know how to remove the TS licensing information from my machine but

> how do I know that the license my machine held will be returned to

> the server so the actual client can use it?


> Thanks

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