Windows 2003 Server
Windows 2003 help and discussions.
9221 topics in this forum
File Audit
by Guest snakesboy- 1 reply
I have set the file audit modify and delete and which event ID represent a user have modified or have deleted the file .I hope to kbow which user have modified and delete of the special fle
File permission error while trying to run NTBACKUP
by Guest NetTech- 3 replies
Whenever I try to run an NTBACKUP job, it backs up C: and D: drives fine, however it always fails on S: drive with the following error - "S: is not a valid drive or you do not have access to it" When I browse My Computer, S: IS a valid drive, and I DO have access to it. It has about 6-7 folders in it and I can open, browse and write to each folder in it. I also verified that I have full permissions to the foler. I've pasted below the NTBACKUP LOG and also the EVENT LOG Thanks for any help, -----------------------------NTBACKUP LOG------------------------------ Backup Status Operation: Backup Active backup destination: File Media name: "#######…
General Setup question
by Guest Tony- 2 replies
Hi, I am currently running Windows 2003 in a single domain with two DC's at one location with another location authenicating over the WAN to the two DC's. I am planning on setting up another DC at the offsite location for authentication. I just want to make sure I am not missing anything when setting this up so here are my plans: Setting up two sites -Building A with a special subnet -Building B with a special subnet - Connecting these through a site link and setting the servers in each. I will have two DC's so I will put a GC at each location. Also installing DNS on all the DC's. The part where I am confused is the DNS is it smart to put DNS on all …
Domain login
by Guest Daniel- 12 replies
If in my network i have 2 DC in 1 domain, which DC would the user login to ? Daniel
Cannot change entries for "Access This Computer From The Network"
by Guest Polaris431- 1 reply
I have little knowledge of Windows 2003 or Active Directory so please bare with me. I have a Windows 2003 server connected on a LAN that also has a Domain Controller. Something happened a few days ago (don't know what) and it is no longer possible to access the server over a network. The guy who owns the system played around with Active Directory on the Domain Controller to see if he could get things working again but to no avail. After digging around, I discovered that there is a local policy on the server that is called "Access This Computer From The Network". It has only two entries in the list and neither of these are the defaults. In fact, not even adm…
Intel Server Manager uninstall
by Guest Anthony- 3 replies
Howdy, I'm running SBS2003, Service Pack 2 (NOT R2), and I've run into kind of a pesky problem. We recently installed Intel Server Manager 8.30, updated to 8.40, then uninstalled because it wasn't very useful in our environment. Unfortunately, something seems to have stuck around, as I now get a dialog box starting configuration of Intel Server Manager, which then fails about 5 seconds later with a dialog box about being unable to find the InstallHelper.dll. This happens whenever I make changes to the Windows configuration or install software/updates, so it's kind of annoying, as it repeats 10 or 11 times before giving up. In addition, our event log repor…
Unexplained delays access files in windows share from explorer
by Guest Jim Helfer- 2 replies
I am using Windows XPsp2 PCs to access a few windows shares on a Windows 2003SP2 server. Over a 100Mbit or Gigabit connection. (I am transitioning from 100 to 1Gig switches. This problem has stayed constant no matter the speed of the network.) Sometimes when you log in and open Windows Explorer, the share will not appear until after a delay of a few minutes. Sometimes when you open the share from Explorer, there will be a delay (arrow-hourglass and blank right side pane). of usually 10-15 seconds, sometimes as long as 30-45 seconds before the files are displayed. After that, the performance accessing files seems normal. Sometimes however, t…
How to check a special file which have a special file which have
by Guest snakesboy- 4 replies
Hi all In windows 2003 ,how to check and set a special file which have modified and delete by user Best Regards Ricky
DHCP: unable to add a reservation
by Guest Oliver- 0 replies
Something's got wrong by adding a new DHCP reservation: - the reservation is currently not shown - neither the IP address nor the MAC address is shown in view “Active Leases” - when I try to repeat the reservation, I get the error “An error occurred while accessing the DHCP database. Look at the DHCP server event log for more information on this error. - on DHCP server event log is nothing related logged. - the client gets no address by booting or ipconfig /renew. - event log of the client has logged first, that the requested IP address is currently in use by another client (warning). After rebooting a lot of DHCPNACK’s are logged. - I did a backup of the …
RWW using Windows Server 2003
by Guest 0 replies
I would like to setup remote access to our servers and workstations just like can be done with RWW using Windows SBS 2003. However, we have more than 75 users so the Small Business Server would not work. How could I accomplish the same type of access using a Windows Server 2003?
Installing custom services
by Guest MSNewsGroup- 1 reply
Looking for directions as to installing our own custom services on a windows 2003 server. Thanks Card
Removing a Server From Windows 2000 Domain
by Guest Ann- 5 replies
You'll have to bear with me....I'm very new to the Windows world. My predecessor built a Windows 2000 server domain (mostly to play with) quite a few years ago and made it a DC. He had one server join the domain just as a member server. I now have the need to get rid of the DC but I still need to keep the member server. To remove the member server is it just as simple as moving it to a Workgroup and rebooting it until we get the other domain up and running? We don't have AD running or anything, any time we log into that server we just log in locally. I just want to be sure the member server will be ok once I remove it from the domain or there are a…
Startup Script Does Not Execute
by Guest Scott Nielson- 0 replies
We are using pushprinterconnections.exe as a computer startup script to push printers out to workstations. It is listed as the startup script in a GPO that has a bunch of printers also deployed to it. The GPO is linked and enabled to an OU containing a bunch of workstations. It had been working, until a few weeks ago. Now when I run "gpresult /v" on a workstation I get this little snippet concerning the policy: Startup Scripts --------------- GPO: SLCT-Printers-CSENG Name: pushprinterconnections.exe Parameters: -log LastExecuted: This script has not yet been executed. This tells me the script is not running, but does not tell me why. Do…
IIS and Folder permissions
by Guest Teo- 1 reply
Hey guys, I just got my Dell Server a few days ago with Windows Small Business Server 2003. I went into Internet Information Services and created my website. After that I mapped the wwwroot folder on my Vista machine using the administrator credentials on the server. Now I am trying to create folders inside the wwwroot folder to store images and do other stuff but Windows doesn't let me. I went into the website properties and selected the boxes for Read, Write, etc. All of them are selected but for some reason it still doesn't let me. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance, Teo
Reported disk usage greater than actual
by Guest AverageJoe- 2 replies
I have partitioned my disk in two, a 10GB for WinXP and the rest for stuff in general. I've only had this rig running for two days and already the nice pie chart says i have used 8.75 of the 10gb but lookin at the folders themselves i have only used 5.8gb and I expect it to stay like this as no new software will be going on this disk. I found similar probs in a ancient post but that related to a problem with MSOffice for Macs and I have also looked at the Sys restore but even if this was taking its full quota of 1200Mb it still doesnt account for all the space I'm missing. Does anyone know why there is this discrepencys? I dont want to have to re …
Home Folder Architecture
by Guest -Steve-- 6 replies
I have ~30,000 users who's home drives we're going to migrate to a central location? I'm trying to determine how best to layout these folders. Ideally I would like to simply use \\server\share\%username%, but that would create a folder with 30,000 folders in it. That seems like it would be hard to manage, and might not be a good idea. Other idea's I've had is to do \\server\share\%firstInitial%\%username% but that makes scripting a little tougher. Any other ideas? Steve
syntax for repadmin /showmeta
by Guest Chris- 2 replies
I'm trying to use repadmin /showmeta or repadmin /showobjmeta with GUID for a user account. I was able to run the command with DN for the user account. Here is my syntax: repadmin /showmeta GUID=D416D85C-D0D6-EC47-9189-13B83674F3C1 with /showobjmeta the error is DSA object could not be found. Is my syntax wrong? I found the GUID (objectGUID) via ADSI. Can someone help? It's not deleted user account. Thanks.
convert the hexadecimal GUID to a string GUID
by Guest Chris- 0 replies
I have following objectguid as hex guid: D4 16 D8 5C D0 D6 EC 47 91 89 13 B8 36 74 F3 C1. How to convert it into string GUID format as xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx I found an article (MS KB 325648) to convert string GUID to Hex string form. But in my case I need to reverse. Thanks.
Replication/Redundancy with Domain Controller
by Guest Bryan- 0 replies
70 Times Better Than the Next Microsoft By Bill Barker July 5, 2007 2 Recommendations I recently found this chart from the ever-helpful Value Growth Large Cap 12.4% 9.6% Small Cap 15.4% 9.2% Those are historical returns from 1927 to 2005, not adjusted for inflation. The terms "value" and "growth" are taken from data from Fama and French, whose work is highly respected. That's a persuasive case for putting small-cap value stocks to work in your portfolio. (We'll get to just how persuasive later.) And you've probably seen plenty of other data showing that small caps outperform large caps and value outperforms…
2003 PerfMon Counters AWOL
by Guest Adrian- 3 replies
All, Got a strange one on a Win2k3SP1/Exch2k3SP2 server. All of the Performance Monitor/WMI counters appear to have lost their labels. If I fire up PerfMon, I get nothing on the initial graph. If I try to add a counter, I get a choice of Performance Objects, each of which contains a number of individual counters... but they're all only identified by numbers. I can't actually add any of them to the graph. I can add counters from other machines to PerfMon on this machine fine, though. Admin Tools/Computer Management/Services & Apps/WMI Control/Properties gives me the correct details. I've tried running Exctrlst.exe from the Support tools, and it c…
Kerberos Error: once very week + 10mins
by Guest JimLad- 1 reply
Hi Kerberos is failing once a week plus 10 minutes on a middle tier web server (2003) with the following: lsasrv "The time at the Primary Domain Controller is different than the time at the Backup Domain Controller or member server by too large an amount" Infrastructure swear there is no time difference. Does anyone have any suggestions? We're lost... cheers james
Problem setting printers on W2K3 R2 Server
by Guest Mark- 0 replies
I am having a problem setting up printers on my future print server. I have tried to use DLC, but it never installed as expected (, and never gave me DLC as a port type when configuring the printers. When I go into the properties of the LAN connection under Network Connections, it lists DLC Protocol as an installed item, but that is about the extent of it. Any ideas what I should do or try? Mark
No system restore on a server?
by Guest Cindy B- 3 replies
Can I do a system restore on a Win 2003 R2 server? I'm guessing the answer is no... and... If not, is there a way to a Windows "fix" like you can with XP? I'm getting some ethernet controller errors, that I'm hoping to able to fix quickly and easily. If both the above answers are no - I'll do some more research... -- Cindy
Best Recommendation for Event Logs
by Guest 0 replies
Greetings, Just want to get a good recommendation on third party software (pref free) to parse and darse Windows 2003 event logs. We have more than 500 users on our network and viewing logins logs through the built in viewer is very discouraging. Thanks,
Installation USB Devices from Power User account...
by Guest bildos- 2 replies
Hello, Is there any way to install USB devices from other account than Administrator ? Exampe PowerUser + additionall permision ? (How to do that ? Any one know that ? ) Redgards Bildos