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97798 topics in this forum
не могу подключиться one drive
by Guest капустин Дмитрий- 0 replies
не могу подключиться one drive и после загрузки viber пишет нет подключения к сети, хотя все есть Continue reading...
Defender for Endpoint | Graphical Antivirus Summary
by Guest sbison1- 0 replies
Hi All,I´m desperately looking for a graphical summary for Defender for Endpoint Antivirus. Last week I stepped over it "by accident", but I didn´t bookmark it immediately. It doesn´t seem to be in the Endpoint Management Portal and it as well doesn´t seem to be in the Defender for Endpoint Portal. Any hints?The Page that I saw had summaries over all devices for Anti-Malware Version, Engine Version, Signature Version , finished Quick Scans.....Any hints?BestSven Continue reading...
can a Virus disguised as atlas VPN?
by Guest HairyBikerBalls- 0 replies
Ever since I let a program thru my Atlas VPN started acting weird and sometimes named different ect . I have deleted everyhting I could find and reinstalled Atlas a dozen Times same thing it doesnt work like it should. I also got Adobe Illistrator off a torrent (I KNOW) and my Adobe also is cloned. I do have a creative cloud subscription now but I Know there is something up. AtlasVPN.exe has used 94GB of Data in 30days and setup.exe (linked to adobe) has used 7GB. I have used Adobe in the last 30 days maybe 15min, Chrome.exe is also top of list with 52GB. Maybe this is normal? but Im red f Continue reading...
My subcrption is diactivate due to security reasons why plz help me out
by Guest Farhan03- 0 replies
*** Email address is removed for privacy *** Continue reading...
Trying to remove or quarantine trojan clicker virus from my computer
by Guest Nick_344- 0 replies
I received an alert today from Windows Security that said "Threats Found". I click on it and it says I have the Trojan Clicker virus on my computer. It gave me 3 options quarantine, remove, or allow on device. I figured I might as well remove it so I click remove, I didn't notice much happening except for a quick scan option. After the scan the same threat notification came up again. Then I clicked on Quarantine. My question is, how do I know if the virus is removed and am I only able to quarantine this sort of virus not fully remove it through windows security? It says remediation incomplete Continue reading...
- 0 replies
Two days ago I accidentally downloaded malware and Defender quickly detected it and removed it. It's since found at least two more fragments of the original malware which it has also tracked and removed. However, ever since this happened this process repeats itself :Defender discovers a threat and removes it I run a full scan which comes out clean, there's no new threats detected. Scans with third party apps such as Malwarebytes and RKill also come out clean. (some hours later) Defender finds another threat, despite that I haven't used the pc at all in the meantime, and removes it againI run a Continue reading...
Very suspicious program
by Guest Lord OG- 0 replies
For about a year and half, There's been this program that only shows on task manager, and you cannot quit. On task manager, it shows up as "MediumBlueIT" and when i expand it, it shows an exe called "OakomsOystershadePIn addition, there is absolutely NOTHING relating to this program on the internet. Any help? Thanks :D Continue reading...
Internet not working
by Guest Sefat Zunaid- 0 replies
Internet not working no matter what i do everything and every single thing i have done from everywhere on internet but it doesn't work what to do now? (I even set up Windows 11 again)First the problem was like i can't access to the site all of a sudden which i was browsing and i tried another site then now no site work. I did reset my network adapters. Done """netsh winsock reset - and press Enter.netsh int ip reset - and press Enter.ipconfig / release - and press Enter.ipconfig / renew - and press Enter.ipconfig / flushdns - and press Enter"""These and ran Windows defenders found ""trojan:Wi Continue reading...
- 0 replies
Potentially unwanted app found but no further information ... what should I do?The message says to review your options go to windows security but there is no identification of the app or any advice Continue reading...
computer has been locked up
by Guest Dick4181- 0 replies
My computer has been locked up and I've been asked to call an 800 number to unlock it. Can someone assist with this issue Continue reading...
Hey, I got this email this day. Can you tell me what to do please? I already started reinstalling my PC.Hey. I have bad news for you!8zXMcXHO%14.08.2022-On this day, I hacked your device's operating system and got full access to your account . I have been watching you closely for a long time.4XZ;5bI installed a virus on your system that allows me to control all your devices.The virus software gives me access to all the controllers of your devices (microphone, video camera, keyboard, display). I have uploaded all your information, data, photos, browsing history to my servers. I have access to a Continue reading...
Actividad sospechosa en tu cuenta
by Guest Edison Peguero- 0 replies
Es posible que alguien haya accedido a tu Cuenta de Google con software malicioso y dañino en uno de tus dispositivos. Como medida de protección, se cerró tu sesión de la cuenta en este dispositivo. Continue reading...
Can someone say if it will actually disable WIndows Defender? Continue reading...
Nwjs keeps coming back on my pc
by Guest cod ghostpet- 0 replies
I found it from my chrome restarting and searching in bing instead of google and followed a forum for specifically this virus. After using Malwarebytes and Hitman Pro, it appeared gone until I restarted my pc. I checked my task manager after my games were preforming poorly and it was back. I have no idea where to go from here besides ask for help. It doesn’t come up on any of the software I used to scan. Anyone who can help ASAP would be very appreciated! Continue reading...
unable to enable this
by Guest tanyinqin- 0 replies
why cant i turn on block apps? Continue reading...
My account has been hacked by
by Guest Ryouni1- 0 replies
It first began when I going to play with a friend on minecraft, but all of the sudden I needed to login. When I typed in my email and password it said my password was incorrect. After changing my password two times and retyping it. It still won’t let me. I noticed it said “email ch***”. My account has definitely been hacked. I tried the recovery form but the thing provided me with insufficient information to recover account. I don’t know what to do anymore and I just want my purchases back if possible or transferred to a new account. Continue reading...
I cannot remove this even if I already did Offline scan. Do you have any idea on how to remove this? Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml
by Guest Riri_08- 0 replies
Help me please???* Moved from Community Center* Original title: I cannot remove this even if I already did Offline scan. Do you have any idea on how to remove this? Continue reading...
Windows Defender not showing Protection History
by Guest Chaitanya Patil1- 0 replies
I get notifications of controlled folder access but when I click it my windows defender's protection history is always empty. Continue reading...
Help, my computer automatically clicking keyboard buttons even no keyboards are connected and i also have tried too many things that i can do, scanned
by Guest Ahmed_Salim- 0 replies
Automatic clicking keyboard buttons sometime even no keyboard are connectedAutomatic opens apps from taskbarI have tried:Microsoft all scanners but no one can find virusalso tried to use third party apps for securitChanged my keyboard ( purchased new )etc..Please help T-T Continue reading...
by Guest Alex Antonia- 0 replies
What is dllhst3g and what does it do?When I searched the internet for dllhst3g a website told me that it is a trojan virus and must be eliminated is this true or false? Continue reading...
My all file change into .bozq what can i do please help me
by Guest Bilal Sheikh1- 0 replies
Nithing will open all file change into .bozq Continue reading...
Windows 11 Controlled Folder Access blocking allowed Apps
by Guest Danskmonkee- 0 replies
Hi, since the recent update to Windows 11 Controlled Folder Access is constantly blocking allowed software I need on pc. Mainly its Adobe Software particularly Illustrator and WD Acronis True Image. I need these for work and its getting frustrating and the software is slower since. Ive made sure I have all the latest drivers/updates for all apps, the dell pc and Windows. Please help! Thanks Continue reading...
-¿ o;
by Guest oiii VRS- 0 replies
expressly permitted per pvt. ill Continue reading...
unable to update defender
by Guest Crescent High School- 0 replies
hi,we are having issues in updating defender Continue reading...
Microsoft safety scanner shoes infected files when running, but finishes showing none
by Guest Jan Philips- 0 replies
Yesterday I was running Microsoft Safety Scanner. While it was running, it was counting up a few infected files. When it finished, it said that there were no infected files. I ran it again, and while running, it again counted some infected files, but at the end, it again said that there were no infected files.It didn't remove the files the first time because it counted them the second time.Is something wrong?(I'm using Windows 10 with Defender and BitDefender firewall.) Continue reading...