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Myron Winston

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About Myron Winston

  • Birthday 04/05/1987

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp

Myron Winston's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. No sir, I see F2 for Setup and F12 for boot menu Unfortunately, I do not have any recovery disks. I restored my system to default in the setup menu by pressing F2 and choosing the maintenance option and I hit load defaults, Now I get an error that says Floppy Diskette Seek Failure, hit F1 to continue, F2 to run setup utility. If I hit F1, it just goes to that same black screen and does nothing else.
  2. Hello Everybody, I'm not sure if this is a hardware problem or what. My Dell Demension E310 will not boot past the page that says Dell DV051 Series, BIOS Revision A03. It gets to this page, then it just goes to a black screen. It was working fine until it froze up and had to be restarted. When it came back on, it just went to a black screen. I think I may have downloaded a virus on it but I rebooted from an anti-virus rescue system disk which deleted about 7 viruses. The CPU still would not boot past that same screen. Does anybody have any suggestions on what this could be? I really appreciate any help... Thanks!
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