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  1. Yes, that is what I am doing right now. I have my VGA cable connected to my monitor, then plugged into a VGA to DVI converter, then plugged into my monitor and it's running fine. First I will try a new cable and if that doesn't work, I guess i'll take my monitor over to a friends house and see if it works there.
  2. Well, I have an update. My monitor can use both DVI and VGA cables and I have been using the DVI for the past 2 months. I tried switching to the VGA cables and it works fine now. So does that mean my cable isn't working anymore?
  3. Wow, I have the exact same problem and I need help to
  4. The other day I updated drivers for my video card (8600gts) and my screen went black. The only way I can get my screen back is by going into safe mode and rolling back the drivers or restoring from a restore point. Just now, I tried my other monitor on my pc and it works perfectly with all of the up to date drivers installed. I tried chaning resolutions on my mointor that doesnt work, but nothing. Does anyone know why it will work on on monitor but not on the other? Im guessing I just have one simple setting to change it will work, but I hope it is that simple. Any help would be appreciated.
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