Hi guys, im new to this site and I have a problem..
I have a 3.4Ghz P4 with 2Ghz of RAM and a 120Gb Harddrive..
About 3 mnths ago I was installing a copy of Battlefield 2 when something happened to my machine and it began freezing. Since then I can not load a DVD into the disk drive without it freezing, and if I have a voice program or any sort of sound running from my machine when I load say MSN or Americas Army or anything it goes all echoy and sounds like its grating through the speakers.
I thought maybe it was a windows fault so i formatted the machine. Every time i came to put windows back on it said my disk space was incorrect or corrupted, I eventually got around this by changing the partition size to 110Gb on the hard drive and windows loaded fine..
It ran fine for a week or so untill I tried to put World of Warcrat on it and it locked up and I have the same problem again, with it running very slow when loading big programs such as games and it clashing when I have a sound devie running at the same time.
Now i dont know alot about computers, just enough to get me into and out of trouble, but I dont know wether it is worth me buying a new harddrive or if its the processor or what the problem is..
If any of you possibly have any suggestions as to what it might be I would love to hear them..
Yours truely, Bobcat.