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About Ty9

  • Birthday 08/26/1991

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I've had this problem for quite some time now, tried on several different headsets and speakers,it even happens on another desktop of mine. There is a static in the background whenever the computer usage gets high sounds like an aircraft taking off or a robot beeping away like Morse code and can get very loud at times which as you can imagine can get very annoying too.. Then I thought I may be plugging jacks into the wrong ports, as there are two on the front and around 6 on the back all different colours making it real confusing to one who doesn't know anything about computers! I have tried posting this problem on various other sites with no reply which of course means no solution :confused: I was told by a friend to upgrade my sound card driver, so I went onto the website and tried it.. installed asked me to reset, when I did it reset me back to Microsoft's default sound system and on top of that the static still remained, before I had RealTeck HD Audio or something.. Help!
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