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About tobz

  • Birthday 02/16/1997

Tech Info

  • System: windows_7_home_premium

tobz's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. PROBLEM FIXED, thanks both so much for your help, Nev there was indeed Malware and Malware bites removed it And Also thankyou verty much Starbuck because it sorted out the problem :D . I Appreciated your help and quick responses many thanks.
  2. thanks nev appreciate the help, running mamb scan now, can i just ask will doing all of this fix the problem or just remove the malware? just wondering thanks!
  3. thanks for the reply , yes i have rune several scans and none of them have reported any viruses because i think i removed it straight away when this problem occured. and sorry how do i move it to that section then?
  4. Hello, im 13 years old and i think this problem started off with a virus. Basically if i want to open something for example; Internet explorer it comes up with a new window saying Open with: and gives a list of options i want to open it with. It has done it to EVERYTHING. If then i select that program on the new window it will open but i have to do it everytime. On some things like microsoft word it wont even do that it will just say - C:/Program Files (86x)/Microsoft Office/office12?WINWORD.EXE Application Not Found. Thankyoucomputer help.pdf
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