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About chantilly

  • Birthday 01/15/1954

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  • System: windows_7_home_premium

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  1. Hi BJD, Many thanks for taking the trouble to reply. So, according to that table, my machine is currently running at a 'safe' temperature - that is reassuring at least. On googling, I did find an article which implied that there is a known issue with this particular processor in that the sensors don't particularly work that well and can give false readings of up to 20° over the correct temperature. If this is truly the case, then it looks like I really don't have anything to worry about. Yes, that is exactly the same model. I admit that, stupidly, when I bought it, apart from its spec, my only thought was for the space it would save me. If I had thought then about how cramped everything must be inside that case and how this would likely impact on the running temperatures, I think I would've chosen differently. I can't help feeling a little cheated that I've run into problems after such a short amount of time, and with the likelihood of the problem occurring again as time goes on. I have a copy of the workshop manual and unfortunately, it isn't just a case of unscrewing the backplate in order to clean the processor and fan. It seems to be quite a fiddly job accessing the innards, a job which I certainly won't be doing whilst it is still under warranty. I've always tried to keep my computers as clean and dust-free as possible but am always amazed how much seems to accumulate in such a short time. The air vents on this particular model runs the width of the computer about an inch from the top edge. Would regularly spraying compressed air into this vent help or does it need to be dismantled and air sprayed inside? Thank you for the link to HWMonitor. I am currently running Core Temp but will download HWM to confirm the readings. I think I'm probably worrying unnecessarily and it sounds like things should be fine if I just take special precautions to keep it clean but I am very grateful for your recommendations.
  2. I have an Acer all-in-one PC with an Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 processor. It is only six months old but already I have had to send it to the manufacturer for repair because of overheating issues. It was regularly reaching temperatures of over 70°C and on a couple of occasions had auto-shutdown. The report back from the workshop was that the thermal modules were completely blocked by dust and it had been thoroughly cleaned and was now working ok. However, on return, I noticed it was still running quite hot, - 50-55°C on idle rising up to 63°C under load. I have googled and found a few places which suggests these sort of temperatures are normal for this processor. However, I'm nervous about this as I don't want the situation where in six months time when the warranty runs out, I start suffering issues which are caused by excess heat. I'd like to get this sorted now while still under guarantee. I'm not sure what I can do myself to ensure cooler temperatures as being an all-in-one PC, I can't get into the system to install more fans. I haven't opened the case but looking at the workshop manual, it looks pretty tight in there (which probably doesn't help with temperatures). I'd really like opinions as to whether these sort of temperatures are acceptable or whether I should insist on the manufacturers taking it back and doing more to alleviate the problem. What do you think? Thanks in advance for any advice and help.
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