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  1. Hi, A few hours ago, I tried to open Help and Support on Windows Vista, but I received this error: After a few minutes research, I found a fix for this error and thought I would share it with the rest of the Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help community, as this is seemingly a very common problem. To fix this error, you will first need to download and install a file extraction program such as WinRAR. Then you will need to download and extract (Right click | Extract here) the registry fix from here: http://www.chris123nt.com/guides/RTM_Fixes/Fix_Help_and_Support.zip which will leave you with a registry file and an instructions file. The registry file merges into the Windows Registry and "...re-associates the .xml file type with its default settings.", according to Kristian Kenney's blog. Next double click the registry file, and Vista will prompt you to allow or disallow the merging of this registry file into the Windows registry; allow it (don't worry - it's safe!). Now open up Help and Support, which should now be fully functional :). Hope this is helpful, Liam.
  2. Hi Rachel, welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help :)
  3. It's definitely a desktop. I can't see why it wouldn't have a standard VGA port though?
  4. Hi Mark, Well, I was initially going to scrutinise about buying a case with PSU, but this one seems OK. Otherwise, as WolfeyMole said, any combination looks fine. Liam.
  5. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help, Connie - hope you enjoy your stay :)
  6. Hi michelangelo, and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help, As RandyL asked, do you have trouble typing the @ symbol everywhere? Or is it just on the Orange website? I have an orangemail account and I have no trouble typing the @ symbol when I want to access my emails. Also, does any other character show up when you try to type the @ symbol? Inverted commas, for example? This would imply that the language settings of your keyboard are incorrect. If not, I'll have a rethink. Liam.
  7. Wow, that's terrible. But at least the name of this thread gave me a laugh on such a miserable-weathered day :P
  8. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help, Postie :)
  9. Excellent! Unfortunately I have no use for it at the moment, but I'll download it for future reference =). On this subject - check this out: http://www.firebox.com/product/1742?src_t=sbk&src_id=USB. Its a fantastic little device which brings up a boring looking document when you hit the button - ideal for those times when you're supposed to be working and.. well.. you're not. It does, however, have some disadvantages. One, it only brings up an image of a document - meaning you can't actually work on it. And two, it makes your desk look like the setting of a Bond film... Liam.
  10. I'm currently using AVG and I've never had any problems with it - it uses less system resources than some of the more commercial Anti Virus softwares, the update process is not too slow, and, ultimately, its free.
  11. Many thanks, Wolfeymole - downloading it now :)
  12. Hi Dan, Here are my recommendations for your startup list: Necessary rundll32 RTHDCPL RECGUARD HPBootOp HPwuSchd2 ccApp osCheck PCMService SDTrayApp TeaTimer Adobe Gamma Loader ctfmon SuperAntiSpyware BT Broadband Help Unnecessary - enable by preference realsched qttask reader_sl iTunesHelper GoogleToolbarNotifier remind_xp Before you go disabling the processes I have deemed unnecessary, however, you may want to wait for a second opinion from WolfeyMole, just in case :). As for btdna, I was unable to find any information on this at all. Is it perhaps a typo? Liam.
  13. Have you tried all of your USBs, or just one? Did they work in the past, and have stopped working? Or have they never worked?
  14. Hi, Could you post some specs please?
  15. Hi, These folders are mere logs of Windows Updates and are consequently nothing to worry about. As far as I know, its safe to delete them :).
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