Hi. i'm on a fugitsu p series lifebook. i use windows xp and i think the year of the model is 2004 or 2005 maybe.
i consider myself mildly proficient at computer stuff but i have this one tiny problem that has been bugging me to no end.
i like many in my generation use itunes. and when i first downloaded it about 4 years ago i told the program to make its home base (i don't know the proper terminology for it but thats what i'm calling it) on my desktop. since then i has been updated and such and there are more and more little icons on there which i don't like. i try moving them but when i open itunes it freaks out and can't find things.
so here's my question. how do i move the home base somewhere else and put a short cut on my desk top?
i don't want to delete the whole program for fear of loosing my music.
please help me.