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  1. hi i am in france and i have been having problems with my internet. i am online thats all fine. when i was starting mozilla i was getting it in french i managed to change that so that i have the uk page. however every now and again i go to a site say miniclip where the language is in french and i dont know how to stop this from happening on some sites. its obviously something that is set in place by region so as to be friendly to the natives but its not helping me any. any help you can offer would be great thanks for your time. lee
  2. thanks very much but buying a new pc isnt an option. the reason i want to use this hard drive so much is as it was (i know this is cheesy) perfect just how i wanted it and i have so many saved games and all sorts of stuff. like i said i left in a hurry and i didnt bring all the disks id need to reinstall things but they are installed on that hard drive. how do you transplant the hard drive? when you say 50/50 does it damage the hard drive or the pc components? can i install all the drivers from the new pc to my hard drive? then boot it or would i need to hack in to the bios and cahnge stuff in there? if anyone can tell me how its done and answer these questions i will decide if its worth it to try please i would really appriciate it. thanks again
  3. i dont know if this will work but there is logic in my madness.. why not try and copy the cd to another cd? do you have two disc drives or do you know someone with a usb cd/dvd drive. if that program you found, found files on the disc maybe copying from one disc to another could work and maybe solve the problem. let me know if you try this and it works lol
  4. i admit it i too use limewire and i know its naughty but anyway... i have never had a problem with it and like danzil i scan my pc regularly. limewire is harmless if you are careful and pay attention to what you are downloading. anyway what operating system are you using? if its vista forget about it vista doesnt allow it to work. friends have asked me to install it and make it work i just cant do it same goes for other programs like bitcomet (another downloading program i know i am bad bad very bad!) no matter what i try on vista with that program including running it in xp mode it just wont work. if its xp and you really want it remove it from your pc completly and download it again from download.com http://www.download.com/3120-20_4-0.html?tg=dl-20&qt=limewire&tag=srch good luck whatever you decide
  5. def the system folder. you should have anti spywear programs on you pc aswell to keep you extra safe the best one i have found is spybot search and destroy it finds everything. also try adaware i use them both and give my pc a scan every few days itll keep you right it finds things your antivirus wont. they are both free and you can get them at download.com ive put the links here for you spybot-http://www.download.com/3120-20_4-0.html?tg=dl-20&qt=spybot&tag=srch adaware-http://www.download.com/3120-20_4-0.html?tg=dl-20&qt=adaware&tag=srch
  6. did you download family guy?? dont answer that lol if you did it could be a virus or corrupt file...delete it (if you downloaded it of course) if you didnt download it try using vlc media player?
  7. i have had to move suddenly and couldnt move my pc so i just grabbed the harddrive as i knew that there was an available pc where i was going but i didnt think it through... i cant just plug this hard drive in and turn it on and expect it to run as normal because of all the drivers and all that jazz, i get that. is there a way to get this hard drive to work as it did previously without breaking the pc or the hard drive?? can i install the drivers from this new pc on to the hard drive so that it will run like normal? basically is there anyway to make it run as it did without having to buy the exact motherboard etc as i had before and using this new pc? the harddrive is maxtor with xp operating system i dont know what version im sorry (i think it was probably home or pro) with spk2, the previous motherboard was amd and the processor was ati the graphics were nvidia which was inbuilt to the motherboard sorry if i have missed stuff just ask and ill find out. any help you can give me would be sooo helpful thanks for taking the time to read this excuse my bad punctuation. thanks lee
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