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  • Real Name
    Hammond Richard Jr.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. It's not the speakers u need, it's the sound card model. Start --> Run--> dxdiag and go to the sound tab. You will get info on your soundcard
  2. Hey, Juniper, what's the error message u get when u boot?? It simply might just be because the jumpers are not correctly set. If you set this hard drive as slave, it will work perfectly!! ;-)
  3. Try to update your internet explorer version to the latest which is 7. Try using windows uupdate as well - it should fix all the problems u might have. Else u can download firefox, which is an alternative to internet explorer. By the way, iexplore.exe is the executable file for internet explorer. The others are its dependencies. Speak soon Richard
  4. The main problem i can see is that the sound card drivers MIGHT not be compatible with vista. Go to the manufactures website and download the drivers for vista. Hope that helps Let us know Richard
  5. Hi Tom, This blue screen is called Blue Screen Of Death and has been implemented by Microsoft to prevent any damage to your computer. The problem you describe is a little bit confusing. Did you try system restore (windows based), or system restore (dos based) Did u also try restarting in safe mode?? Have u installed any software or driver recently?? If you can check the code written on the BSOD, it will be helpful. it's an asci code like 000x00032442 etc... Please let us know so we can go from there. Cheers
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