Hi everyone,i am new to these forums and desperate for some help..My grandsons E-MACHINE E525 is riddled with trojan horse viruses,plus adware,the viruses are stopping him from getting on line,its slowing the computer down to snail pace,and all of the system restore back-ups have mysteriously gone,when he got the computer about 15 months ago he did not make any back-up disks,so we cannott reset the laptop to the original factory settings,i have been in touch with the manufactor and explained everything,but they have not answered any of my E-Mails.He needs the laptop for his school work and one shop has said they would charge a minimum of 65 pounds just to look it over,its running Vista home basic,it boots up ok etc,but cannott get on line,also tried to install some software from a memory stick,maleware bytes,and spybot (etc)but once installed it will not run the software,i guess the viruses are stopping the running of this software,anyway cannott afford the repaire cost at this time,so would really appreciate anyone"s help with this problem..CHEERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!