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  1. I have checked my regional settings, the language is definately set english, and i'm not curently running any other languages. someone suggested clicking on 'view' in IE and changing the encoding to Western European (windows). This also has made no difference, I'm still getting a letter J instead of a british pound sign. I am able to type the pound sign in on word doc, so it just seems to be display problem. I have noticed a few other people around the forums with the same problem, but as yet, no one seems to have a solid solution. Any one got any more ideas ???? Cheers.
  2. It seems to be more than just an IE problem. I recently loaded in a version of monopoly from a cd-rom, and all the uk pond signs came up as a question mark, ie - ?. While on the internet I still get the letter J instead of the pound sign, now on this particular cd-rom the pound sign comes out as this - ? any suggestions lads
  3. thanx for reply as my laptop was bought in the US, there is no british pound sign on the keyboard, only a US dollar sign. As I say though, it was fine until recently Cheers
  4. Please help somebody... Recently, on every website I visit, when there is a price of something on the screen, eg. 2.99, the british pound sign no longer appears in front of the price, it has now been replaced by the letter J. So it now reads J2.99. This happens on all websites I visit, ebay, argos, play.com ect, everytime. The pound sign no longer exists on my system. My laptop was bought in the US, but was working fine until last week, pound sign was fine. But as of a few days ago something seems to have happened. Anyone help??? Its very frustating Cheers
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