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  • System: windows_xp_home

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  1. Tried to disassemble it one more time and put it back together very carefully but still no luck to fix it. I will try to connect it to other monitor. If it wont work I will have to sell it for parts.
  2. Hi Synapse, Yes the bulb is located at the bottom of screen and is part of the display. I had to disassemble display and install new one. Tried to be very carefull when taking the bulb out. So to answer your question-no I didnt replace inverter, only ccfl backlight bulb. When I turned laptop back on I could see part of the desktop screen with desktop icons but after I disconnected and reconnected monitor cable the picture was as on picture I attached.
  3. I had to replate the bulb because picture started to be pink-ish and then one day went black completely. Regardding trying second monitor unfortunately I dont have oportunity to do that.
  4. Hi Plastic Nev, Thanks for your post. I checked all cables but nothing seems to be wrong or damaged.
  5. Hi, I have Dell Inspiron 6000 and after replacing CCFL backlight bulb the screen is black with vertical stripes. Please, see attached photo. Can anybody help with this, please?
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