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Everything posted by redgey

  1. I have had a long standing issue with my Acer 2700 Laptop. The BIOS has a PW set that I did not do. I have had to dismantlle the LT to get at the RTC Battery, or Jumpers. The RTC is a fixed battery so could not be removed. Cannot find Jumpers, but found SW1 switch. I believe I can set SW1 to by-pas the PW of BIOS. I need to know if I can do, & how to do so. Any info appreciated please.
  2. OK I sorted the BOOT problem. I just need some help with this install Prob. I get this msg STOP:unknownharderror\systemroot\system32\NTDL.dll
  3. I recently posted a thread about a problem I had in loading Win XP onto a ne SATA HDD. It would not install .It got to the format part of the instalation, & then i got this a blue screen stating hard error, then it stopped. I was told by someone who inspected the PC, that the MB had died, but my son was able to load XP from DOS. Although it works, he did not use my XP disc, so I cannot activate it. Another thing is that when I 1st switch on I get script stating the SATA drive could not be found, Press F1 to continue. I press F1 & it BOOTS up normaly. If it is not detecting the HDD, how is it working?
  4. Well I have run Memtest86 & Seatools for DOS to check Mem & Hard drive. Bothe produced no errors. With regard to Jelly Bean`s comments, I was not running any software when this problem started. Everything was fine 1 day, & the next I switched on I had this trouble. I am ubable to BOOT up to get into the OS to make any changes. Have tried re-installing Win`s, & the instalation stops at the Format stage.
  5. OK I burnt the file memtest86 to disk & when I put it in & started the PC it gives a msg - Selected Boot device not available. I must stress tho that I have no problems if I put a Win instalation disk or my Dell diagnostics cd in. I have run the Diagnostics CD & checked everything, & only the HDD showed any errors, but no errors with the new HDD drive fitted.
  6. I have tried the Dell original, & a genuine WIN XP Disc. Bothe failed after a short time at the same point.
  7. I have a Dell Dimension 4700, 2560 RAM, 160GB HD OS-WIN XP Home. Recently got the Blue SOD screen on Booting up. I used the Dell diagnostics CD to do tests, & it listed 2 errors relating to th HD. I suspected a HD failure, as it is over 5yrs old. I bought a simmilar replacement - a Seagate Barracuda 7200-12, 500GB. Now when i try to re-install Win XP it starts of OK, but when it reaches the point where the T&C acceptance should appear, I get this erroe -STOP C0000221 Windows unknown hard error/system root/system32/NTDLL.LL. I have attempted loading WINS with an alternat CD, but I get a simmilar reaction, it gets to the FORMAT stage & then just stops without any errors.
  8. I am unable to do a system restore. Had this prob a while now. When I do a restore, the programe runs normaly & re starts to finish. After the restart i get a message stating that windows could not restore my settings, & nothing has been changed. (Cannot recall the exact wording)
  9. Oh. I never thought of that. Cleared history & Cookies and all OK now. Thank you.
  10. When I try to opem I E, it goes to the Task Bar, & will not open. This has only happend today, it was fine before. I am usyng XP Home.
  11. It is a Tecknet M016
  12. I have bought a webcam for my daughters PC. I forgot it was running on vista. It is supposed to work with progs like MSN, but you cannot use it to wiew yourself. Is there a way of making vista compatible with XP?
  13. OK. Thanks to bothe replys.
  14. I have an Acer TravelMate 2700. It has some how aquired a password to the BIOS. Any sujjestions please. Cannot find how to get to the RTC battery, or jumpers (if any). Have downloaded a service manual, that did not give info on how to get the top part of the case off to get at the Battery.
  15. OK. Its working now. I was using the ATI software to set it up. The problem was that in the software, the easyest way is to use the setup wizard. But when I used that, the display resolutions only had 2 choices to sellect from. When looking at the manual settings, I was able to sellect from a far greater number. You were correct, the res was the problem. Thank you for your help.
  16. I am tryimg to use a 14" LCD TV as a 2nd Monitor, connected to my graphics card. If I set the display to clone mode it works fine. But when I set it in extended mode to use as another monitor, I get the message OUT OF RANGE on the TV.
  17. I use the AVG Free version.
  18. Yippy, All finaly ok. I stumbled upon some info from Dell help & support site. Was reading some advice on installing Graphics cards, & it mentioned to turn of anti virus. Bingo. 4 days of searching & that was all it was. Only one thing I cannot understand, is that the ethernet connection to my router has also kicked in again. This had stopped working at the same time as the old Video Card. Thanks to all who gave me help.
  19. Hi Thank you. I have not tampered with the BIOS. I have taken a look though, & all seems right as far as the video is concerned. There are 2 settings, Auto or Onboard. The Auto will sellect a Graffic Card by default. It was set to that.
  20. Hi again I bought the ASUS 3450 GC, & fitted it. When I turn on the PC, Windows does not detect new hardware. I followed the instructions to install it manualy. When I run the driver setup, it seems to install OK, & ends with a prompt to restart the PC. When it restarts, the card is not working, & it is not listed in teh Device Manager. Have I got other probs?, or am I missing something.
  21. I just noticed that the 2 are built for Vista, & I run XP
  22. Oh thanks. A can confirm that it is a double. Can you finaly just tell me what difference the memory,in the 2 you sujjest, would make?
  23. Can anyone help please with the latest?
  24. Les it is JZQ491J Cheers
  25. OK, If anyone is still viewing this thread, I just got out my user manual, & it seams that I used to have the VGA connected to the connection on the GC. Now I have it connected to the integrated VGA connection, the one that never usrd to work. This came about because when the issue 1st arrose, I swapped them, & cos it worked I thought someone in my household had tampered with it. I assume that the GC has gave up, & by default the integrated connection has kicked in, or somethin like that. Assuming this is the case, I should like to replace it with something a bit better. How do I find out what cards are suitable?
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