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  1. Good advice. My husband's pc had to be restored back to before Rapport was installed. He also said if a bank has to offer extra security he would withdraw his money from that bank. From what I have read you cannot have two antivirus programs on your pc at the same time. They conflict with each other. Rapport brings with it viruses. Do not install it. See previous posts about this program please.
  2. Excuse me but we had Rapport and it infected our computers. It cost money to have my husband's desktop repaired, to have the viruses removed that this program put on his pc. I was successful at removing them from mine but there was one on his that was very stubborn. There is another thread in this site that gives more information. I suggest you do a search and find it. Do not download Rapport. With it comes emails from NACHA which is a partner with Trusteer who is the maker of Rapport. With the email is a message that a transfer has been blocked and with that email is an attachment supposedly showing the transaction but it contains a virus. The attachment is automatic. My husband did not receive the emails but I did. I had 8 viruses and 4 corrupted files on my desktop. He had 3 viruses one of which was very stubborn. It took our pc tech several days and several programs before he could remove it. Kaspersky did not catch these viruses but AVG did and quarantined them. Malwarebytes removed the two that AVG caught which left one for another program to remove Spybot. All three are free programs. Over seventy dollars and several days later.....Trusteer's Rapport is not to be trusted.
  3. This is an old post however I will still reply to it because we had experience with both Rapport and Kaspersky. We had Kaspersky for a little over 2 years. With the second renewal we had problems with 3 viruses on my husband's computer and 8 on mine plus 4 warnings that AVG caught and Kaspersky did not catch. I had to remove Kaspersky to install AVG per our computer tech's advice and glad I did. He had a tough time removing the 3rd virus on my husband's computer. Where did these viruses come from? Rapport....Kaspersky blocked Trusteer's Rapport 13 times from accessing his computer. I received 2 emails from NACHA which is a partner of Trusteer. Those emails contained a virus known as Zeus which can call itself other names. I researched NACHA and Rapport. The information I found was Zeus is at it again. The emails are fake and contain the virus. The virus steals your banking information. We took copies of the emails, the information about NACHA, and the letter regarding the virus to the bank because the lady at the 800 number for the online banking came across as not interested. Kaspersky gave us a full refund even though it had been over 14 days. I did a screen capture and sent three images to them showing what AVG found and their program missed and information about Trusteer, NACHA, and Rapport. Our pc tech recommends AVG free or the professional version plus Malwarebytes which is a free program too. Kaspersky had been highly recommended but it not recommended by our pc tech and no longer recommended by me. My son recommended it to me. I bet he removes it now. Our pc tech also told us to quit using IE and to use Firefox. Great advice. 70 year old grandma who has been computing since 1986 building websites since 1999. It's my passion.
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