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  1. Sounds like the NFTS file system on your hard drive has screwed up - normally in this case i would save myself expense and just wipe the hard drive and format it and start again if scandisking it does not work. For all you know a virus might have attacked the system and caused it to mess up the operating system. Regards Matalan
  2. I had this problem with one of my Burners - the thing screwed up and would spend ages writing nothing to CD. Use CD Recovery Toolbox to try and restore some data but if the drive has not physically written anything to the disk there is nothing you can do. Either your CDs are rubbish or the Burner is broken. I went out and brought a new one of Novatech for £20.00 and that works perfectally Regards Matalan
  3. Sounds like the Graphics card is not working correctly and you have to register the monitar with the card before the monitar will work. I am not sure if there is much you can do than just buy a new graphics card or a new monitar.
  4. Well it depends on what operating systems you have on each hard drive. If you are running Windows on these hard drives no because all the hard ware in your computer is registered on the hard drives its only when you have to hard drives from the same computer that you can switch because the motherboard etc are all registered to the operating systems you are using. If you want to switch hard drives you will have to format the drives, wipe them and restart everything again. Regards Matalan
  5. Internet Explorer can be downloaded from the internet so therefore just download it from the Microsoft Website and reinstall it. What operating system do you have?
  6. If you say that your Computers hard drive was orignally 80GB and then once you installed 98 it had 2GB it maybe that you have not formated the hard drive correctly. My advice would be to wipe the drive and format all the space into one Primary Partition from the Windows Boot Disk then format it again and then scandisk the hard drive sectors on the surface to see if there are any errors and hopefully that should solve your problem
  7. I have a Xircom CardBus Ethernet 100+ Modem 56 modem in my laptop (Windows 98SE) and a SoftV92 Voice Modem with Smart CP in my desktop (Windows XP) and i would like to be able to share an internet connection between the two of them using my modems. Its it a possibility that i could simiply connect a modem cable (phone line cable) between the two and some how make them work together? I cant connect the two through Parralel or Serial many because of port usuage and through ethernet i dont have the correct linkage cable just a standard network cable so is there anyway i can get the two modems to work together by plugging the cable from the desktop straight into the laptop? Thanks for whoever replys
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