Hi there,
I am having some real issues with Microsoft Office and need urgent help!
I had Office installed on my lap top and all was working well until yesterday. It was already pre loaded when I bought the laptop, but I also bought the full version. For some reason my outlook stopped letting me reply. I believe this to be somthing to do with the fact that depsite the fact the I have bought the full version, the Outlook that I had running was a trial version. I tried to uninstall Office, but it doing so it wiped it all off of my machine.
I have managed to restore Office as I was unable to download it despite having entered the product key.
The problem that I now have is that every time I try to use an Office product, I get an error message saying that Microsoft cannot verify the Licence for the Application and that a repair failed by the user and then it shuts the application down.
Can anyone please help, and let me know what I need to do in order to restor full access?
Many thanks in advance!