I used to have a chap who helped me on pcs, and I wrote down somethings for future refferences and I have come across this but I think maybe something missing from it.
Maybe you can have a look and let me know what I have suppose to do at the end of this.
Save Contacts.
Click FILE - then EXPORT - click on ADDRESS BOOK - then TEXT - then FILE
and then EXPORT then BROWSE - click MY DOCUMENTS - then type in CONTACTS.
I have tried all of this but not sure what is wrong with it seems must be more to it perhaps . . .
Hello I used to have a chap who helped me on the pc as I know very little, I want to save My Contacts to a pen drive can anyone tell me how to do this, could someone give me a step by step guide how to do this and please from the very start to finish.
Ie Click and so on . .