I recently bought a Palit GeForce 210 (Pcie 1GB DDR3). I've now installed it and it works and doesn't. I can play Starcraft 2 for example, but the performance is horrid compared to my previous, seemingly less powerful graphics card.
I don't know what the problem is. It is in the correct slot, obviously, there is this 2-pin connector on it but I'm told that is for HDMI audio or something, so that seems irrelevant, and there doesn't seem to be any other connectors to the card. It uses a heatsink so there is no fan connector either.
What am I doing wrong here?
I've used the beta profile spec inspector software that Blizzard is giving out to anyone interested in their betas and it states that my graphics card is 0 MB, as opposed to 1 GB like it should be. There has also been some reports that the memory type is unknown and the memory bus is 0 bits.
I've gotten all the latest drivers to both the card and the motherboard.
There is also these unexplainable power losses to my computer now, I don't know if that is related, I've upgraded other parts recently as well but all seems to function ok, aside from the graphics card having subpar performance.
I've tried installing and running SiSoft Sandra to debug this problem but everytime I try to launch the program, the computer crashes, which seems irrational, but it has happened three times now so I doubt it is a coincidence.
I've disables Cool 'n' Quiet from BIOS, and the system seems more stable now (can't really say yet), although no difference in CPU temperature or noise has occured.
The power cuts have occured before and after I've changed the PSU, and most of my other components, so the culprit might be the HD, if it is possible it can cause power outages (it is pretty old).
Dxdiag gives out reassuring info about my computer (everything is seemingly as it should), and all the tests run smooth.