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  1. ooo ok well i just found out the pc had 2 lots of memory in it and 1 has gone AWOL, think sum1 in the house nabbed it lol. but the error msg i got is. TRAP 0000000E ====Page fault ===== at linear address 35436a10 Tr = 0028 Cr0 = 80000011 CR2 = 35436A10 CR3 = 00039000 GDT LIMIT = 03FF BASE = 00017000 IDT = LIMIT = 07FF BASE = 00017400 CS: EIP = 0008 :00404309 SS: ESP: 0010: 00060E98 errcode = 0002 Flags = 00010046 NOCY 2R INTDIS DOWN TRAPDIS EAX=00000000 EBX=00000005 ECX=00400003 EDX=0003D000 DS=0010 ES=0010 EDI=00024548 ESI=004D7000 EBP=00060EB4 CR0=80000011 FS=0030 G=0000 thats the msg dunno if its any use lol...but ill try getting the memory thing sorted n c if its that... thanks :) Alex
  2. Hi when i turn my computer on it wont get passed the first screen. Ocassionally it goes by onto the second screen but no further. So far ive had an orange screen, a page fault screen, it wont let me get into the express recovery menu or the system setup. when i press delete it just freezes. Sometimes when i turn the power on nothing comes up on the screen at all. Could it be my processor?? I have an iQon pc and it has never done anything like this before, well nothing i couldnt fix myself, but this baffles me as it was fine 2 weeks ago when i turned it on to write some documents, i turned it straight back off and i have no viruses "that im aware of" im at my wits end because i live in france now and well it aint easy to get parts or help lol. P.S I have Windows XP PLEASEEEEE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Alex
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