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Everything posted by DSTM

  1. Thanks for that.The reason why I asked,a friend sent me a bare photo of the backyard of their new house,and another of it with trees and plants landscaped.I wondered what software they may have used to achieve this.Looked so real.Thanks for the link,Advanced.:)
  2. Hi There,I am after a Prog,prefer a free one,to add trees and Plants to a Photo of a Backyard.The backyard is bare at present and would like to see with different combinations,what the finished product would look like. Hope I have explained myself well enough.Thanks for any help.:)
  3. omg!!! http://i26.tinypic.com/2vb3az5.jpg
  4. They sound like worthwhile additions.Thanks again,mate.:)
  5. Thanks Goku,What I meant by essentials,I was asking whether Flash player media player,etc work with FF3 or I need to download anything.Sorry if my question seemed too mundane for some.:)
  6. I use Opera Wolfey,but if FF3 is better,I'm willing to give it a good try out. Nothing on my Hard Drive,so I thought,why not.:) Opera is good,but Mc Afee site advisor doesn't work with Opera. That has been a concern to me,all along.
  7. Hi Guys,I'm in unchartered waters here with FF3. Would a member please list what essential Add Ons I need. Does for example Media player work? I'm allways up the creek, without a paddle.:D
  8. I hope it lives up to all the hipe,Maynard.:)
  9. Yes mate,exactly 1.00am.Slow download,but no probs.11 kb/s.
  10. I downloaded and installed FF3 as a clean install.Had no problems. Updating may be a different story. That was 4 hrs ago,though.
  11. Why do I want to touch the screen in the first place?One only wants to get information,from the screen,and I don't care how I retrieve the information.Do you honestly think poking a screen all day would be fun?What's wrong with the software,being updated,and recognizing a lazer pointer,or similar device, instead? Same result. Not explaining myself, very well here.
  12. In a home, I would find it uncomfortable standing up at a wall,interacting,for long periods.I could see it a huge success, if one could operate it from a lounge chair, useing a remote control device.
  13. Found this interesting,especially the Video. PC Pro: News: Gates predicts wall-to-wall touchscreens
  14. Agree there.Leave this technology in Supermarket Checkouts where it belongs.Microsoft seldom gets anything right,and I don't wish to experiment,with touch screens.
  15. Hi Randy,If I come across an image of interest to me, on the Net,I save. Images, to lighten the mood.:) This one makes me sick in the stomach, just looking at the picture.:eek: http://i27.tinypic.com/6s80mw.jpg
  16. http://i30.tinypic.com/24ytjf6.jpg http://i31.tinypic.com/2847qe.jpg
  17. Here's an image of a huge Ore transporter, used in a Quarry somewhere.Can't remember where,but it carries 2200 Tons.Wouldn't like to change the tyres on this sucker.Has 2 Tractors,one at the front, and one at the rear. http://i30.tinypic.com/15z2jcp.jpg
  18. They are limited to 90KLMS P/H as far as I can remember.They will sit on that speed all day long. They are not slow,believe me.200 Ton weight limit. Interesting read for anybody interested. Road train - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  19. Good one Seth.:DThey have around 600+ Horsepower Power Plants.
  20. The only reason they can,is because it is dead flat Country,Seth.They arent allowed anywhere near the coast.Only certain routes. My Brother in-law, builds Sheep and Cattle Road Train Trailers. Each one has 4 decks of Sheep,or 2 decks of Cattle. Just a bit of Trivia.:)
  21. These Road Trains are only seen, in the far outback of Australia. Extra-Long Gas Truck
  22. I'm relaxing.This bed is all mine.:D http://i26.tinypic.com/2uoidj7.jpg
  23. Hi Seth,Your Instructions, to reset 1E7 back to default,plus running all Scans as Full, instead of Quick,picked up problems that failed to show up, with Quick Scans.Having SAS Pro is a Bonus,also.IMO. No more Quick Scans for me.And of course all the other Members who gave me Instructions,also.Much appreciated.:) I can't really see the benefit of Quick scans,Seth,if Full Scans pick up more.
  24. UPDATE. Having now tested this PC, for 40+ Hrs,it hasn't frozen once, to date. Just like to say what a great job, you Guys did, in helping me with this Problem. Only one place to go,if one wants Expert Help Quickly,and that's FreePC Help. Thanks Guys.:)
  25. This is my Custom made Avatar,on another site. It is 93KB and 83X83. Not so much the size,Wolfey, it's the KB limit under 20 is a definate restriction. Will not pursue this further,and thanks for your input,mate.:) http://i29.tinypic.com/2r53f4i.gif EDIT.Changed KB Specs.
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