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Everything posted by DSTM

  1. I realize that,Seth. Now the drive can read the Windows XP Disc. Yes,My PC is acting Strange still. 1 System freezes after 5 mins sitting Idle. 2 " " at any time (mostly about 3 times in 12 hrs) 3 Have to hard shutoff at wall. 4 Pages jump all over the place and takes maybe 15 sec to settle.Up and down from top post to last Post. 5 On fast DSL 2 and pages freeze when ony partially loaded.OFTEN. 6 Temp 61C 7 Rang ISP today.Test nothing irregular with my DSL 2. 8 Run chkdsk c: /f /r 9 Prob 3 times also in 12 hrs says Internet Explorer not responding, and must close. Temp File emptied Daily. Runs scans Daily This OS used to be a rocket ship. Loading in 60-70 sec. Now 2 mins. Shutting down has doubled in time also. Start up progs minimum. Running processes at this moment 41 CPU around 4 % Would you recommend a reinstall,Seth instead of a Repair.Thanks.
  2. Hello Jan,Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:)
  3. Your right,Wolfey. I am determined to learn how to do an XP repair,and also how to format/reinstallation. Being candid,it's has been,till now, having a fear of the unknown.:)
  4. Hi Seth,I didn't mention that.I was Happy just to get the problem sorted and to get the Drive replaced,and the disc run,on the spot while I waited. I will attempt the XP Repair shortly.At least my PC will read the Windows CD,Now. I have read the initial do's and don'ts, on the net,and after that as far as I am aware, it's a matter of following the promps,I'm led to believe. If there is something that I should be aware of, by all means would appreciate a heads up,before I try.:) Thanks Again Doug.
  5. :D:D You take your dog for a walk and both use the same tree. You can entertain yourself for more than 15 minutes with a flyswatter. Your boat has not left the driveway in 15 years. You burn your yard rather than mow it. The Salvation Army declines your mattress. You have the local taxidermist on speed dial. You come back from the dump with more than you took. You keep a can of Raid on the kitchen table. Your wife can climb a tree faster than your cat. Your grandmother has "ammo" on her Christmas list. You keep flea and tick soap in the shower. You've been involved in a custody fight over a hunting dog. You go to the stock car races and don't need a program. You know how many bales of hay your car will hold. You have a rag for a gas cap. Your house doesn't have curtains, but your truck does. You wonder how service stations keep their restrooms so clean. You consider your license plate personalized because your father made it. Your lifetime goal is to own a fireworks stand. You have a complete set of salad bowls and they all say "Cool Whip" on the side. The biggest city you've ever been to is Wal-Mart. Your working TV sits on top of your non-working TV. You've used your ironing board as a buffet table. A tornado hits your neighborhood and does $100,000 worth of improvements. You've used a toilet brush to scratch your back. You missed your 5th grade graduation because you were on jury duty. You think fast food is hitting a deer at 65 mph :D:D
  6. Excellent Pic, JEBWrench.Had to save that one.:D
  7. Update. Took the tower into the Shop.CD-DVD Drive was faulty.They fitted a new one on the spot,run the LG Nero disc,and I am delighted it's now working excellent.Didn't think for a minute a good brand would fail in 3 mths. Like the thank all who helped and stayed with me on this.Much appreciated.:) This site has a great future, because you guys just dont give up, till a problem is resolved. Moderators can mark this thread Resolved. PM.Congratulations,Maynard, on your Promotion,to Moderator.Well deserved.
  8. I'm taking the Tower to the Shop Maynard,in a few mins and want them to recheck while it's in the tower this time,instead of just the drive.Will get a new cable as they are only cheap here.I'll update asap.
  9. Hello downi53,Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.
  10. Hi Maynard,I clicked on every Link and opened,and definately couldn't find either EXE File.Even double checked. What,s the solution if it's not there? Would you suggest I buy another CD-DVD unit and a new IDE cable tomorrow, and see if that works? Thanks so much Guys, for all your help.
  11. This is as far as I know what to do.I dont know the next steps. http://i28.tinypic.com/1z21vd0.png
  12. Will check Cable now. Main HDD Partitioned Second HDD Partitioned "F" contains Acronis Backup of System. Have Acronis Backup CD which I cant use. Is it worth a shot to transfer F Acronis backup to C ? Clicked on search> C Drive> Files> 1386 >No results. Other 2 exe search,nothing either. http://i27.tinypic.com/14xi7t1.png
  13. Yes,still the same Maynard.Nothing and no press........ Should I buy another unit and try in case the Shop didnt check properly? I have to some how get this sucker working so I can do an XP Repair,or is there another option? http://i27.tinypic.com/2j0lefq.png
  14. Single flat cable.Own Cable.DVD ROM on end. Burns OK.Thanks Maynard.
  15. 1 Yes- opens and closes OK 2 No-nix I had to pull out again. The letters are C S M S L Adirectly underneath. M and A have a bridge. Only has 6 pins Wolfey,not 8. Hope this helps.
  16. Thanks for that will have a look and get back.Great help.:)
  17. http://i29.tinypic.com/2s0g3uf.png http://i32.tinypic.com/28kjbzc.png
  18. I am not getting an errors,nothing. The LG unit is on it's own cable from the motherBoard. The last on the right socket on the motherboard. Quote The jumper is on the back of the unit! Normally it will say M or S or CS. Which one is it on? Nothing written on the back of the unit where the wires connect. I can remove the unit again and look,if it's written on the unit somewhere.(Advise if this is necessary,please Maynard) Not sure in My Computer where to look for the info.
  19. Thats the one,Maynard. Wolfey.Is this what you wanted? The last 2 questions,Wolfey,sorry I don't know where to look exactly.(steps to find):confused: http://i30.tinypic.com/2h71csp.png
  20. Update. The CD-DVDRW unit checked out Ok,so I put back in my PC. I put the Nero Disc in and nothing. Rang the Shop back and all they said,I'm missing Drivers.I asked whats involved? and they said it's too involved for me.:eek: The unit is an LG GS-H55NK. Any clues would be much appreciated.
  21. This Guy is Crazy.I don't believe for 1 minute that they had no Guns.That is crapola,IMO.What some people will do, just to make a Video.Another use for the Bog Roll.:D http://www.flixxy.com/man-vs-lion.htm
  22. Done that Seth,but still the same, so tomorrow, will swap drives.Will take this one back to be tested. I will report back when I have an update.Thanks.
  23. BINGO.I just put a cd in and nothing happens.I have only used it to burn,not play as we use a Sony Play Station in another room.Thanks so much for staying with this Guys.So if I put the old CD player back in,we should be in business you think? Never dreamed a new player may be faulty.What do you think the next move should be?Try the old Player?
  24. No Seth only one PC. Will try to explore now. EDIT. No nothing Seth.
  25. Replying to post 24.I just found another CD disc player, which I know works perfect.Will put in tomorrow and see if I can boot up off that.It's early am here. As I mentioned, I checked, and the bios is set to boot off CD-ROM,first. I put the XP CD in while on the net and nothing happened.
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