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  1. hello all. I'm new to this forum so please go gently http://www.pchelpforum.com/images/smilies/smiley.gif I have a Samsung HD103UJ 1 TB external HDD connect via USB which i have tons of MP3's on but only about 30% of the total capacity. Always worked ok ( no funny noises) until a couple of days ago when it appears all data has been lost. The drive letter - F - hasn't changed, its showing correctly in 'my computer', right click in my computer>properties shows the disk capacity as completely free. I have managed to retrieve MP3 data using Active/Undelete software but all the mp3's have come off in a big bundle of file numbers not named in band/song titles ( at least i have the data back). I have run chkdsk on the drive using my computer>properties>tools and at DOS prompt. Both these show the volume as having no errors ( bad sectors or otherwise even tho' Active/undelete said there were). I have tried to plug the HDD into another PC and its the same problem as if the drive has been formatted. The only thing not tried is a new USB cable but would that make any difference ? Can anyone shed any light onto this problem. Is it a terminal failure ? Can i get the original files in their folders back ? I have not formatted the drive incase there is something else i can do. many thanks Simon
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