I'm new at forum, found it while searching answers to my question. I didn't find more appropriated topic, so I hope, it my post will be fine here :)
So, i'm into buying a new laptop for my wife, who is gaming a lot :) Until now we had desktop PCs which were easy to upgrade when needed, but with laptops, it's different.
So I think, when choosing a future-proof laptop, in first round we need to check what is not upgradable, and then select a laptop with those components already there. So, first thing like this, is processor. As far as I know, it's not upgradable and/or it wouldn't be cheap :) So the laptop, i'm choosing should have a i7 processor, or the newer (at least it call it like that on one of the sites) i7-2. Then next thing, is a decent, non-integrated video card, i'm thinking of an ATI HD6 series (NVidia would be good as well, but i'm ATI fan..). I know that these non-integrated videocards can be replaced in future, because they use some kind of standard slot, but still, it wouldn't be cheap, so i want to go with a good with from the beginning.
RAM size is not a question, because it's easily upgradable, and cheap :)
And now the question... hard disk. I wonder, if you can suggest any laptop, which has space for 2 hard disks ? because then, i would buy now it, and later install an SSD into the 2nd drive. but for the moment, those what i found, which comes by default with HDD+SDD are very expensive, so i'm looking for that option, where it comes with 1 HDD, but have space for 2 :)
Are there anything like that ?
oh, maybe it's important, i'm into 15"-17"... :)
Thanks your answers in advance,
ps: sorry for my English, it's not my mother language.