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About help4me

  • Birthday 05/31/1975

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Web Designer
  • Real Name

Tech Info

  • Experience
  • System: windows_vista_home_2

help4me's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. You weren;t late Nev :) Thanks and *HUGS* :)
  2. Thank you Jelly Bean :)
  3. Thanks guys... it is much appreciated.
  4. For those of you that know JEBWrench... and know the recent events surrounding his dad... We just got the call this morning... his dad died. John and I both thank you for all the support you have shown.
  5. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help :) Please provide the specs of your machine and include any recent upgrades (if any). Also... were you using the computer when it started beeping? If yes.. then what programs were you running?
  6. HEY!!!! :eek: You are so grounded Mister!!!! :mad: :p :p :p :p
  7. Yesterday, my oldest was in a singing competition for her school choir. She entered two events. A group event and a solo. For the group event.. her group got a score of 1 (top marks)... and for her solo... SHE GOT A 1!!!!!! This means that she will go on to the state level competion in four weeks!!!! For her solo she performed two songs... Hedge-roses... and Panis Angelicus. Her performance of Panis Angelicus was amazing. Even the judge teared up. The judge isn't allowed to talk with the performers... but the written comments were excellent. He wrote that she had an incredible voice and that she should continue with music. Yes... I'm a proud mama! :D
  8. This might be an overheating issue... your video card might be causing the problem (highly unlikely, but possible). If you have the option... remove the video card (if you have one) and use onboard video. IF this fixes the screeching problem... it's the video card. Otherwise I am leaning toward a motherboard issue.
  9. You feelin' lucky punk? :p
  10. Try cleaning the computer with a can of compressed air. Was it the same CD? What media player are you using? Have you tried using a different media player? What else were you doing with the computer while listening to music when this screetching occured? It might be the drive that's gone bad... try the following If it only happens when listening to CD's.... try connecting the drive to another port on the motherboard. If you have another cable.. try using a different cable to connect to the mother board. Also try using another drive if you have a spare.
  11. Actually... a friend of my fiance's built a touch screen into the arm of his easy chair in order to scroll through his collection of movies and select the one he wanted to watch on TV.... touch the screen and it would play on the TV. In the preschool I worked at... I had a student that was autistic.. and the only way he could use a computer was with a touch screen. This was about 6 years ago. Smart kids.. but did not have the physical ability to use the mouse. I myself want to turn my house into a smart house... I want touch screens. But not on the computer itself. Although I could see the benefits of having a touch screen for programs like photoshop. One thing that I would want as a conversation piece.. is this... YouTube - Microsoft Surface - The Possibilities and the parody :p
  12. So it would seem from the posts in this thread that there is a conflict between IE8 and XP. The pc we tried IE8 on was running XP home.... and the computer crashed.. then froze. So far no one seems to have issues with IE8 and Vista.
  13. also know that a computer screen will show better than an actual printed pic. Computer screens are... for lack of a better term... high def. SO what you see on the screen will be of slightly better quality than what actually prints out.
  14. IE is evil!!! A coder's nightmare!!! IE ... Is Evil!!!!!!
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