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  1. Hi, I am about to install a Gigabyte S series motherboard but notice in the paperwork that it suggests you need a PSU of 400 watts or more and I have a 350 watt on PC at present - will this do the job or will I need to upgrade PSU? Also recommends a system Fan as well as Processor fan which i also dont have on present motherboard will i need to get one of these as well? Look fprward to any help. Thankyou
  2. Hi, I turned on my PC yesterday and at boot up a the following message came up " CPU is unworkable or been changed"- I have not changed anything and had no problem previous to this. I continued with Boot up by pressing F! and windows XP cant load. Ani Ideas on whats wrong and what i can do to put things right> Many thanks.
  3. Hi, I left my PC running while out in the garden for a while, when I came back it had stopped working, fans working but blank screen. I turned it off then back on again and it powered up fans all working but wont boot up and no Bleeps. I havnt changed or upgraded anything and PC has been running fine bar turning itself off occasionally recently. I have tried another monitor to see if that was the problem but still nothing. I have been told by friends could be Motherboard or hard drive . I would appreciate any help or advice on how to find out whats wrong. Thanks.
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