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About tabbycat1947

  • Birthday 01/16/1947

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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  1. Ebay Hi if i were you I would ask the seller for a refund on the ground of it not being fit for purpose a motherboard should last longer than 45 days so it doesnt matter about ebay protocol. Then if you get nowhere with the seller raise a dispute with Ebay they nearly always come down on the side of the buyer. MY son sold a vintage games console and after 3 months the buyer said it was no longer working and Ebay refunded his money they didnt even stipulate that he should return the machine. So dont give up give it a go.
  2. Thank you If I misunderstood then I am sorry. I have better things to think of today my other sons baby was born today best news ive had for a while. Thankyou
  3. Legal xp pro Sorry I meant to say fixed mbr then formatted hdd. Each time he reinstalls he gets different error messages. I KNOW it is a full version of XP Pro because I BOUGHT it in PC World. Unless you are saying that they sell illegal copies. How can my son join when he hsnt got a working pc. I object to your inference that he is using an illegal copy you may be used to dishonest people but I am not one of them. I also happen to be a pensioner with more than a fair knowledge of Pc's and wouldnt have asked for help unless I was really stumped. Does this Active Kill get rid of virus's
  4. Is it a virus or the microstar motherboard Hi sorry im not sure what information to give you. It is a genine full holographic XP Pro which I bought when I built the pc. I did get the blaster virus back then but I got rid of it I was actually wondering if it could be that because everytime he reinstalls it comes up with different error messages only once has he managed to get through an installation with out any error messages and then it went pear shaped when he was downloading updates. It went to the start in safe mode then it wouldnt even do that. This morning he reset the Bios formatted the mbr then the hdd. Then he tried installing again and it got most of the way through but then it asked him for the sp1 disk. This is really strange because how does it know there is one because as it is genuine disk it was issued before any service packs. As he didnt have sp1 he cancelled that and then it finished (so called) but it wasnt right because the desk top didnt have any background and the internet explorer icon wasnt even there although there was the words where the icon should have been. Another strange thing is the guy he bought it from only had a Linux drive on it and Wayne installed that drive also it killed the IDE drive. Do you have to do anything special to format a linux drive? I am trying to help him on the end of a phone and he doesnt have my patience Thank you for your time
  5. Hi My son has done a full format of his machine (4 times actually ) even the mbr this works until he starts downloading updates then he gets so far and the machine hangs on one of the restarts unfortuanately he doesnt write down which updates are happening he always installs a virus checker before he starts downloading the updates. I built the machine at the end of 2003 and I seem to remember that there was a virus at that time that was very hard to get rid of and microsoft posted a solution on their site but I cannot remember what it was called. Has anyone any ideas. All help will be really appreciated
  6. Hi Wolfy thank you for the reply. I do think it is daft that we have to put up with all the rubbish they choose to put on I have been told that pc world will take it all off for you but it cost £40 or 50 and I know all they do is a clean install. So you may as well buy your own copy which is probably what I will do because I like to do clean installs quite often. Re my borrowing a copy I do have the license number for the copy that is on the machine could I not use that.
  7. Hi everyone I recently purchased a new Toshiba Laptop lovely machine but it didnt come with a windows disk you have to make recovery disks (only two) but this means that you get all the rubbish that they put on new machines. The first thing I do normally is to do a clean install so that I just have the operating system which means I am then able to put only what I want onto it. My question is is there anyway I can somehow make a disk from the two that just has vista on it. If not would it be possible for me to save all drivers needed so that if I borrowed a copy of vista and use my number i would have all that I needed for a clean install The reason I ask the last part is my daughter says she saved all her drivers but when she did a clean install she found she was some drivers missing (or at least her pc said that it couldnt find them on the disk she had saved them to) All help gratefully received.
  8. hi I know that you can run two monitors from one PC but could you tell me please if it is possible to run one of the monitors wirelessly at all. Thank you Sonya
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