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  1. thanks that was really helpfull
  2. As a newbie i really need some help to understand this, and to know whether or not I will benifit from this process. I have a Gigabyte board, and in the manual it explains that if you insert one stick in Channel A; eg DDR 1, and another stick into Channel B; eg DDR 2, then the bandwidth of Mermory BUS will Double. My current setup from RAM is two 512 sticks (Kingston), and they are in the same colour DDR. Now is this correct and the same channel or Aand B? I'm confused, please help?
  3. Oh what a about a driver rollback, disconnecting the drive, and then letting the PC see it again?
  4. ok have I the most current drivers for video card, but just want to check one thing. Should I have the manufactures (XpertVision), or NVidia drivers? Ihave installed the current Nvidia. Tryed the manufactures but install told me that my current drivers were more up todate. Which would be recomended? Also Games are working just fine, and installing. GRAW is almost perfect, if only I had the PPU working. Would a CD/DVD drive cleaner be a possibility? Maybe the lens is dirty.
  5. Well its been installed for a while, but I have no other way of seeing anything without it, I have no on board graphics. But i update the drivers I will do, cheers.
  6. My PSU is 550 W. My card runs Video saved on my HDD just fine, with no problem, and the weird thing is that DVD's work in both optical drives as well, it just seems to be image files that they can't read. They are quite big files and are on DVD RW Disc's. I'm sure its not the molex any more, possibly a driver problem. I still have the PPU issue though, I can't get that to work at all.
  7. Thanks for the welcome, I'm sure I will.
  8. Hi, i'm new here please help. I'm quite a newbie and I'm having serious issues with reading from both CD and CD/DVD drives on my desktop (Sony - CD/DVD RW, and LG - CD rw/ DVD rom drives'). I have had the same drives for a couple of years now and I've had no issues with either drive untill now. I'm a photographer, and using image files is the issue. I can't open any image into photoshop from CD/DVD, without getting banding or pixilation, or copy from CD/DVD without getting the same thing. And also when trying to copy I get to a certain point in the transfer, and I get a Stop error/bluescreen. Isn't that usually related to driver issues? I've looked at disc's that I've allready transfered before with no problem, and I still get the same issue. To me it seems like there is a connection fault, and the system is having trouble seeing info from the drives, but I don't know. I have updated things like my CPU/Heatsync/Fan and GPU etc, as you do! This was no problem and my system was running fine, CD/DVD drives included. I'm a bit of a gamer, so I wanted to boost my destop performance, so I got a PPU (BFG-physx 128bit) which I thought would be easy to install, HELL NO! I can't get the PC to Boot when I connect the thing. I was told on the Ageia forum to allow a whole molex supply for the card, so I reconifg the arrangment of molex in my sys, which meant changing the molex on the CD/DVD drives. Now since I did that, I've had the issues. Is there a certain order the molex should be in etc? Would it be like the order in which the hardware boots? Sorry if I've confused anyone, or theres too much info here, but thought it would be best, so you know the history of what i've done (badly probably) to give you a heads up. Hope you can help Mike
  9. Hi, I'm Mike, and I'm glad to find such a relaxed forum willing to listen to newbie's like myself. I've been despertae to find a forum to help with any issues I may have, and one that I can stay with. I found Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help today whilst surfing for a decent forum, so this may be a trial run of sorts, but I'm positive I will find out some good info to help me. Thanks and good luck to everyone else in my situation. Mike
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