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About fraufreda

  • Birthday 01/26/1980

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  • System: windows_xp

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yes I only have one HDD and it appears in "my computer" as nothing wrong with it. I meant it just works fine. BUT the problem is I keep receiving this pop up message. and when I search for new hardware in the device manager the drive is shown with exclamation mark over it
  2. formatted my pc yesterday and there were no problems during the installation of windows nor when installing the drivers. I decided then to update the BIOS and downloaded the right version and again the installation was successful. however, after restarting I've got this annoying message saying that new hardware was found "MAXTOR STM3802110A". I have been searching for it BUT couldn't find it. so would you please help finding it thanks in advance
  3. I have two computers in my home and they are connected to a network, one of them is through a hub and the other is directly connected to the router (linksys). I am able to share my 1315 hp with my second pc but i want to use a password protected port to restrict the the use of the printer to the authorized only. i dont want other computers in my network to use my printer. Is there a way to do this, a software or configuring some kind of settings or something? by the way i use xp pro in both computers (SP3 and SP2) thanks in advance
  4. I have two computers in my home and they are connected to a network, one of them is through a hub and the other is directly connected to the router (linksys). I am able to share my 1315 hp with my second pc but i want to use a password protected port to restrict the the use of the printer to the authorized only. i dont want other computers in my network to use my printer. Is there a way to do this, a software or configuring some kind of settings or something? by the way i use xp in both computers. thanks in advance
  5. thanks for replying. i've been adviced to replace the capacitors near the CPU and when i looked at them they seemed to be rusty and swollen with some cracks on the top. i went to an electrician yesterday to get some (six) of them replaced and that will cost me 11 dollars. is that a reasonable price? and yeah Tootech the motherboard looks like the one you posted but right now i cannot give RAM spec. anyway i'll need you to help me in reinstalling/ upgrading the bios plus the manual.
  6. there's nothing written on the motherboard that's why i used HWINFO. so as it's stated above the manufacturer is VIA
  7. recently i have this problem with my pc. it restarts automatically and sometimes it gives me a blue screen with different stops: sometimes 0x0000000A, 0x00000009c, .. i formated it at first but no progress. i thought then it might be my RAM that's causing the problem so i replaced it with a new one. i also changed the power supply, i cleaned all the things inside from the dust i checked the fan, the cpu, the hard disk all seemed to be working fine. the new installed ram was 512 but when i go to system properties it gives a reading of 248 of ram. now i'm thinking that it might be a bios problem. so i need an bios upgrade and mmotherboard manual. here are my pc info using HWINFO computer brand name: via technologies, inc. VT8601 motherboard model: 8601T-686 motherboard chipset: via vt8601 apollo ple133+vt82c686b motherboard slots: 4xISA, 4xPCI, 1xAGP v2.0 bios manufacturer: award modular bios v6.00PG bios date: 2/20/2002 bios version: 6.00GP super-IO/LPC chip: unknown trusted platform module (TPM) chip: not found plus since i am naive in the world of computer would you provide me with direct links to the downloads suitable for my motherboard and is there special steps i need to learn before installing bios and the manual. one more thing after installing them do i need to reinstall windows? thanks in advance
  8. thanks to all your replies. i solved the problem. i downloaded anticrash and did a thorough scan and since then there haven't been any problems no restarts no sticking
  9. actually as i said ive got 2 sd-128 rams. the old one worked very well but the new (that i've just bought) is second hand and at first when i put them together the problem started i couldnt log into windows i formated and installed windows but couldnt contnue installation so i figured it was a ram issue. i replaced the new one with another and then i did what i said in my last 2 posts
  10. at first i did it with one ram in but the computer still restarted and stuck after the installation of windows. i also put the other ram and the computer didnt show any ram errors and i could do shutdow/restart without any problem unlike before but the prblem of restarting by itself and getting stuck continued. i got the updates from windows update but while installing them it restarted by itself and the color after that is lost (white frames around the icons and on tool bar) i read some articles and tried to solve the problem but couldnt so i formated my pc and installed windoes again but at this time both rams were in however the problem continued and thats why i was asking if getting the computer updated was necessary coz im afraid if i do it and restarting happens while the updates being installed i may lose the colours and need to reformat my pc again.
  11. i managed to install them and winxp successfully but it stuck now and then (sometimes restarts by itself) i have anticrash program. does it help diagnose the problem and overcome it?. and im just wondering if disabling windows update may cause any harm to the computer i disabled it by typing in cmd net stop wuauserv. i'll just suffice wit anti virus to protect my pc what do you think?
  12. windows NT has not found enough extended memory. 7MB of extended memory is required to run windows NT. you may need to upgrade your computer or run a configuration program provided by the manufacturer. memory map: 00000000-000A0000 00100000-003F0000 ----------------------------------- how to clean it (RAM or slot)? i managed to install xp with one of the RAMs. but when i get them both i get that messege.
  13. i removed my hdd from my old pc and installed it in the new one. i installed winxp into it successfully. now i have installed it back into the old one but i can't log into windows. the reason of doing so was that i had problems installing xp in the old one after formating it restarted by itself so i thought it was either a problem with hdd or the ram. how to log into windows. can i do recovery console? i dont want to do reformating and reinstalling because of the difficulties mentioned and also with the unability for the cd rom to read the cd (old and dusty). is it because the devices installed in each computers are different? any suggestions
  14. thank you very much. yes it was the battery
  15. 1. i turn the pc off from the start menu 2. sometimes i need to use the plug on the wall so i just turn that plug off and remove my pc plug 3. but when i put my pc plug and turn it on again (not from the power on the case just from the main supply) the fan or something else starts to work for a moment 4. yesterday the same thing happened but now my pc doesnt work at all * i have another computer and when i switch it on from the main supply nothing starts to work but only when i press the power botton on the computer's case so i dont think it's a problem with my house electric connections
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