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About JEBWrench

  • Birthday 10/08/1982

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Web designer
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Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_media

JEBWrench's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks everyone. No can do Bob. That costs money - it's another day of work all day, sleep for five hours, repeat. :P ;)
  2. What Doctype are you using? XHTML or HTML? (There's a marked difference - XHTML with CSS allows for, in my opinion, much more freedom in layout and positioning).
  3. Intel integrated chipset (though I can't rememcall which particular one) - which I'm fairly certain does not support Hardware Transform and Lighting, which are requirements for many modern games.
  4. Pentagon Researcher Conjures Warcraft Terror Plot | Danger Room from Wired.com Apparently the Pentagon thinks that MMORPGs can be a potential meeting ground for terrorist plannings, as the terminology used in planning in-game raids can very easily be used to describe large-scale attacks. ... Next up, Chess! (Sacrifice the Queen to destroy their castling and take the King by force!)
  5. They're probably going to try training on Ace Combat. :P
  6. I've always been a fan of dB - I've had quite a large number of their graphics as wallpaper and such before I got into graphic design myself.
  7. Does Britain do the same "Life = 25 years" that we do in Canuckistan? If so, they ought give him one of those for every category five. (Though I agree with the Death Penalty, the logistics of administering it mistake-free are impossible, and I've also seen some reports that it's more expensive to kill an inmate than keep them locked up for life.)
  8. Oh, I wasn't saying anything bad about the software - just that the colour scheme has been done ad infinitum. But as I also said, it's always been blue and white for as long as I can rememcall, so it makes sense to keep with it.
  9. Ah, makes sense.
  10. Well, not everything ;) but blue and white is extremely common in the Web 2.0 generation, and in my opinion, quite forgettable for that reason. Though! I will admit, that it does keep the colour scheme contiguous with prior iterations of FPCH, so I understand why that direction.
  11. Enabling the Visitor Messaging. I see the OS selection changed, though.
  12. Changes made in my User CP are not applying. I'm not sure why.
  13. What genre of games are you interested in? The graphics card you'll need will be very dependent on that. The machine you have supports PCIe upgrade, which as far as I know is still the standard, however you won't be able to use SLI or Crossfire technology, as from what I can gather, it's only got one of such slots for upgrade. So, to get top-notch performance, you're going to have to pay for a single powerful card. As opposed to combining mid-range cards a la Voltron.
  14. Single 280gtx, or two? If it's just one, the 4870s will be about the same price, and will have a fairly high-quality performance. Also, what are your other system specs? ATI's 4800 Series: HD 4850, 4870 reviewed: Page 1
  15. I find CometBird to run much faster than FireFox, which is nice. And not as much of a memory hog as Google Chrome. (Which isn't saying much...)
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