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  1. helppppp Good afternoon Nev,Me agin,Well Ifinally got the hard drive caddy altogether and connected to my computer,and the light is on and the enclosure is whirring but Im at loss what to do next I cant find any of the documents/photos I was after.Time to give up I think and call in the pc man i think.I go to my computer and it comes up hard drisk drives 2 Data (d)then folder empty!! Oh please .any advise
  2. Hi again!!!!! .............................. realised that the plug which they havent included isnt attached to the cable lol
  3. reply //// Hi there and thanks for the reply.I have ordered and am waiting for a 3.5 Sata Hard Drive Caddy usb external hdd enclosure from Ebay.should be here by Monday.(The first caddy I bought appears to be only for a laptop ).I just hope the one I have ordered is correct.I may need to call on you againfor help. many thanks
  4. Apologies if Im on the wrong page Im not used to forums.Question is I have a hard drive from my old desktop pc that went kapoot(only 2 years old) So I bought a new desktop and would like to transfer my photos etc from the old hard drive Ive heard this can be done using a *caddy*.I have so far bought 2 and they arent what I was needing Could anyone please help me and tell me what it is I should get.Many thanks The old hard drive is WESTERN DIGITAL 320GB SATA/8MB CACHE I have the hard drive removed from old pc.
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