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  1. To all I have now fixed the problem, and feel it may be worth posting for someone to learn from. Within the ERROREP folder there is a sub folder titled "User Dumps" which contains hundreds of files, these are hdmp files which are basically from the error reports to Microsoft. I copied these to my desktop and created a new folder, then deleted all files, which freed up 125 GB of memory, all now seems to be working fine...........hope this helps someone else who may come across "full disk space" when you know it really isn't full Regards Shiner
  2. Helpers In my windows folder there are three subfolders ERROREP,HELPCTR, and UploadLB. Within the ERROREP folder there is a sub folder titled "User Dumps" which contains hundreds of files, all beginning with "svchost". Treesize identifies this folder as the one with 125gb of info
  3. Thanks for the tip I ran the Treesize application and it indicates that a windows folder called PCHEALTH contains 125gb of files which leads to some other questions. 1. waht is this folder there for 2. can I safely remove it 3. what are the implications of removing it, as sometimes windows will not let me remove anything as it says I do not have enough disk space...which is bloody ironic Any help please
  4. Kelly Just on error that does'nt really make much difference [160GB hard drive, but problem still the same] I have opened my C Drive and highlighted everything, right clicked and opened the properties and it tells me Size: 129 GB (138,557,209,474 bytes) Size on disk: 128 GB (138,436,102,212 bytes) but I have absolutely no idea what the hell could be this size...thnaks for the response, and don't really know if this tells you anything, so any suggestions will do Regards Shiner
  5. Please can someone help!!! My system tells me that I only have 129mb of free space on a 80gb Hard drive...but I know that I could not possibly be this full. I have had several problems with viruses, but believe that this has now been resolved. I am not sure whether there are viruses that can do this or not, but it does appear likely that this was the cause. What I need to know is what could possibly be wrong, and how do I resolve....by the way my system tells me that my hard drive is 149gb full ( I know I purchased a 80gb hard drive). I am no whiz when it comes to PC's, but am not that bad either...this has me stumped Regards to anyone who can help Shiner
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