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  • System: windows_7_ultimate

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  1. So i bought a new chip, and got it replaced. But now i cant even turn the laptop on, its totally dead.
  2. I would have thought of it like that though but i went to a store before who made me pay for trying out another bios chip to see if it would work, after paying he told me it was unsuccessful and that i needed to buy a new mobo.. But it is clear that replacing the chip would solve the problem :confused:
  3. Thank you very much, i just wanted to find out the problem so i could go to a repair store and ask him to do the following instead of him telling me to replace motherboard with him or anything that would trick me into spending more money!
  4. Yes i tried tapping the del key from pushing the start button but there is no response. You mentioned something about a BIOS chip, could replacing this solve the problem?
  5. Hi, Ok now. Let me start from scratch so there is no confusion or unnecessary ideas that won't help. Ok, so i was on the acer website and i came across a new bios that my laptop (Acer Aspire 5520) had. I downloaded the new bios v1.33 and flashed my laptop. Half way through my laptop was going EXTREMELY slow so i clicked cancel. After a while i cut off the processes. I shutdown my laptop but 10-15 mins went by and my laptop refused to shutdown. Normally it would take like 1 min. So then i decided to cut the power from the laptop by removing the battery and the AC power cord. Thinking everything was OK i reconnected the power and turned on my laptop. My laptop now wont start, and wont even load the bios. It just comes on for 2-3 seconds, spins the fan violently and turns off. Then it starts again, but this time the fan is quieter. I've looked through alot of forums recommending people to "blind flash" there laptops. So i decided to give it a go. I bought a USB FDD from ebay and purchased a new floppy disk 1.44mb. I've used Crisis disk, and various other software to flash my bios but my USB FDD just doesnt react with my laptop at all, even with a blank floppy, it still wont react. No light, nothing. So then i tried a CD. Failure again. I'm not sure i added the data right, or even added the correct data because i set the CD into removable device mode. The CD drive flashes orange when CD is detected for about 10-15 seconds then just goes blank. It doesn't flash the bios. I then tried a USB stick. The usb stick reacted with the laptop, but only from one port. Yet again it did not flash the bios. But then i tried to use the USB FDD from the same port that the USB stick reacted with. Still failed to react. So now i have a dead laptop worth about £40 which could be potentially fixed. Does anyone have any suggestions. http://www.techsupportforum.com/images/smilies/4-dontknow.gif
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