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  1. I know it is better to just run the 64bit internet explorer but why the both versions are provided by microsoft with this version of windows is for compatability purposes since most internet explorer addons etc dont work with 64bit internet explorer yet.
  2. Both versions of internet explorer were installed with windows as standard as part of the operating system
  3. Hi i am having problems with internet explorer 7 which is built into windows vista home Premium. Pages display fine but if i try to save any downloads the download dialog appears and when i click save the dialog disappears and nothin else happens. The same happens when i do right hand button and click save as. Also If i try to access options or settings etc. from the menus within internet explorer i click on them and nothing happens, yet i can access the internet options from the vista control panel. I have tried reset internet explorer from the internet options page but the problem still remains. I am running 64bit vista which has a 32bit version of internet explorer and aa 64bit version. The 64bit version seems to work fine. Can you help? Richard
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