Intel Core Quad CPU 2.40GHz
500gb Sata HD
USB 500gb External HD
4 gb of ram
Creative Xfi Sound card
Gigabyte GA-N650SLI-DS4 Mobo
AMD 6800 1gb series
Win 7 Home Pre SP1 64bit
Ok this is a strange one, I have a reasonable amount of experience with PCs etc as I have built a few in my time. My pc, the above mentioned, was running perfectly till i started getting random Graphics Drivers failing on me (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2665946 this helped but doesnt solve the issue). So I got a new card (the one mentioned above) but the issues remained.
After a re-format or so I started getting a new error where by random and seemingly unrelated progs would fail to respond 10-15secs after opening. Vent, Skype, Mumble, Diablo 3 are all effected by this annoyance. Windows cant find a fix for it nor a reason for it. Frustrated at this I spent 3 days running tests. I removed the Gra card and ran the mobo one then a spare i had, I changed the sound card to the mobo one and back again, I changed ram sticks in and out with all combos of what I had to hand, I took the whole thing to bits to clean it. Iv reformated a few times since this error started + changed HD twice and updated my Bios. Issues still remains.
LASTLY a fun new error has started in the last week or so. Imagine a pause button for your pc and someone will randomly start pressing it every 1-2 secs. This cuts everything off and effects everything on the pc (mouse, sound, interface etc etc) to the point where i NEED to restart
Any input would save whats left of my hair.