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  • System: windows_7_ultimate

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  1. Hey guys, I don't know how long it has been there but I noticed it in the last week or two. I wouldn't be as annoyed if I had the monitor for a while, but I brought it just over a month ago! The mark is pretty much dead in the centre or the screen, and when playing games and doing anything else it is very distracting. Thanks, Max.
  2. Hey guys, I recently noticed a small mark on my acer 24" monitor. (The picture is below). I'm not sure if it is a dead pixel because it is not a square, it is more of a line. It isn't on the outside of the monitor, it is on the inside so I can't rub it off. Any help on what it is or how to get rid of it would be appreciated. Thanks, Max. [ATTACH=CONFIG]811.vB5-legacyid=1614[/ATTACH]
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