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  • System: windows_7_home_premium

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  1. Cheers - will send off for repair / replacement!
  2. OK It seems to burn fine, but errors part way through Error message says (edited) I/O error Interpretation Check condition Interpretation write error
  3. Yes, it was part of the original install. I will work my way through your recommendations and see what transpires! Thanks!
  4. Am using a Samsung PC running Windows 7. DVD Flick used to work okay and has recently stopped working - it runs and seems to be working, but fails to burn disks, erroring at the last minute. I have reinstalled latest version of DVD Flick but still get the same problem. I have tried playing a CD in the drive and that works fine. Unsure what the problem is at this stage!
  5. Wife has Apple ID and apple devices - she uses facetime. Daughter has Apple device, facetime set up, but under wife's ID. Want daughter to be able to do facetime without it having to be linked to wife's account. Don't want to creatre new apple ID for daughter.....
  6. Hi - I have a PC, and no problems at the moment! However, my wife has an Apple mac and has some issues with Facetime - anyone on here an 'expert'? Thanks in advance.......
  7. Okay. restored and back in Outlook, however my question is now - as this is a Windows Live account linked to Outlook, will the local pst copy update at some point now it's been restored? Or will I now always have a 'mismtach' between the mails on Outlook and the same if I access via the web?
  8. Have restored - it seems to be an .ost file rather than .pst - and am now using scanpst.exe to fix
  9. I'm using Outlook 2007 - what would be the default folder? Also, as this is a Windows Live account linked to Outlook, will the local pst copy update once restored? Or will I now always have a 'mismtach' between the mails on Outlook and the same if I access via the web? Thanks
  10. Hmm - can't locate my .pst file................
  11. Have now unpliugged cable again and in room with router, still 5 bars.
  12. All 5 in the room with the router. Still all 5 upstaiurs in my office. Oops, no connection just disappeared completely. And didn't come back until I plugged ethernet in.
  13. Stopped working again this morning. have just moved to room with the router in, and it seems better here!!!
  14. Outlook has just stopped opening on my PC. the message says errors have been detected in the file C;\Users\etc......... It suggests I use scanpst.exe to repair. However, the file it says has errors is not on my PC! Any advice please?
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