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Everything posted by terry0912

  1. If you use online banking, most of the banks have anti-virus software for free as long as you keep the account open. Also your bank may supply RAPPORT, This is a program that checks the IP address (web address) against the registered one as a layer against fraud protection. Terry
  2. While downloading another program, this was downloaded with it (V9), I missed the box to untick. There is no remove option I have been through my system , removed all traces that I can find- made a registry search and deleted all entries that pointed to it, but it is still there. I have set it to another browser (Firefox), however the V9 is still in the shortcuts at the top of the page, and cannot be removed. Any suggestions apart from formatting the drive (Yes- I have thought about it!.) Terry
  3. If you have the XP CD, try the following: Put the CD i the drive and when it has finished spinning up, exit the CD From RUN type in sfc /scannow Note the space between sfc and/ this is required. The diagnostics will run, checking your system against the correct files and replace / reset as necessary. Unless the sound card is faulty this should cure the problem. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS WITHOUT THE XP CD as it may make your system unusable. Terry
  4. When you say it did not up boot up correctly, do you mean that it would not start correctly or it all started but did not work properly? If option 1- I suspect that the PSU (Power Supply) may be failing, and the system is not getting enough power to start correctly. If option 2- Did not start correctly, I suspect a fault in the operating system. On option 2, I suggest you create a boot disk (This can be either a Floppy Disk, or a formatted USB thumb drive.) Put these files on you disk: NTLDR.COM NTDETECT.COM BOOT.INI To find these you will have to open all system files and all hidden files. Turn off your modem ( No anti-virus will be loaded) Boot from this drive, as this will bypass the normal window boot up system (loading basic drivers only). If this cures the problem then you need to repair the installation. Terry
  5. If you have not already solved your problem there is a simple way to get more space on your harddrive. On your new drive create a folder called (e.g. ) Documents 2012 On the Desktop, right click the documents folder and select Properties. The location of your documents will be highlighted. Change this to the new folder you have set up and select move. All your documents will now be moved to the new drive, leaving you with a lot of space on C drive. The documents link will still be there , but all new documents will go to the new folder. Terry
  6. Put the XP CD in the drive and re-boot the system, as it start up press the key that enables you to change boot up (may be ESC or an F key). Set to boot from CD and let it run. When it gets to the BLUE screen ' Terms and Conditions', press F8 then ESC. This will take you the advanced mode. Select the drive you want to format, when this is done select install XP, just follow and change any sections as you go along. Takes approx 50 minutes.
  7. I assume you have a floppy drive with your computer, Do you have a boot disk, or you can get one from Bootdisk http://www.bootdisk.com Disconnect your harddrive and boot from the floppy disk. The purpose of this: 1-- If the motherboard and CPU are OK you will get the dos boot up on the monitor ending with a flashing A:, which shows all is well. If it does not boot up with a floppy then either the Motherboard or the CPU has failed and you are looking for a new system. If the boot up is successful then you probably need a new harddrive. Terry
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